According to WebKitCSSMatrix documentation, multiply() function "Returns the result of multiplying this matrix by a given matrix that is on the right.". So

a.multiply(b) must be equal to a b in math notation.

But it seems that a.multiply(b) is indeed equal to b a; the result is equal to the product when the given matrix at the left.

For an example:

Let a:

 2, -2,  5,  0
-1,  0, 12,  0
 3,  1, -2,  0
 0,  0,  0,  1

and B:

 1,  4,  3,  0
 3,  1,  5,  0
 3,  4,  3,  0
 0,  0,  0,  1

Using this tool the product of a b is

c = a b:

11, 26, 11,  0
35, 44, 33,  0
0,   5,  8,  0
0,   0,  0,  1

In JavaScript:

a = new WebKitCSSMatrix("matrix3d(2,-2,5,0,  -1,0,12,0,  3,1,-2,0,  0,0,0,1)")
b = new WebKitCSSMatrix("matrix3d(1,4,3,0,  3,1,5,0,  3,4,3,0,  0,0,0,1)");

and a.multiply(b) is:

7,   1,  47,  0
20, -1,  17,  0
11, -3,  57,  0
0,   0,   0,  1

but actually b.multiply(a) is matrix c.

Am I missing anything?

2 Answers 2


You are correct in your observation but the spec is also correct in its description. What you have to observe is that matrices defined in the CSS spec are column-major where as most math books will tackle matrices in row-major format. Try converting it and see what happens.


Matrix multiplication is "in general not commutative" which means that a.multiply(b) is generally not going to be the same as b.multiply(a).

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