Is there some way/annotation by which I can add the description to the parameters of a RestEasy web service? I went through the api-doc of the annotations, but found nothing there.

This is in order to add the descriptions so that they are reflected in the REST API documentation which I'll be auto-generating using some tool.

An example web service interface:

@RBAC(type = { CRUDEnum.READ }, capability = { "PowerUser" })
@Produces( {
public net.myapp.services getAllDevices(
        @QueryParam("start") int param0, @QueryParam("limit") int param1);

1 Answer 1


Found the way for this. There is no REST annotation to add the parameter description.

The solution for this is to use the typical java-doc annotation.


 * @param param0 Paging parameter
 * @param param1 Paging parameter
 * */
@RBAC(type = { CRUDEnum.READ }, capability = { "PowerUser" })
@Produces( {
public net.myapp.services getAllDevices(
        @QueryParam("start") int param0, @QueryParam("limit") int param1);

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