I'm trying to do a regex to substitute in a backslash, but Python seems to be inserting a double-backslash, and I can't make it stop!

>>> re.sub('a', '\\ b', 'a')
'\\ b'

Double backslash is supposed to be backslash (escape + backslash = backslash), but it ends up being literal.

If I remove the double slash, it doesn't print one at all:

>>> re.sub('a', '\ b', 'b')

How do I get Python to sub in just one backslash?

3 Answers 3


It's not inserting a double backslash. That is simply the interactive interpreter showing the string as a string literal. Use print to see the actual string:

>>> "\\n"
>>> print "\\n"
  • Yes, you're right! Unfortunately, this oddity is causing my nose doctests to fail, as I have a doctest embedded, and the doctest interpreter gets the \\ back. How do I get the interpreter to stop being silly?
    – cflewis
    Sep 27, 2011 at 0:21
  • You don't. Either use print in the doctest, or use '\\'. the whole "point" of doctests is to look the same as interactive use. Say... are you using a raw string in that doctest? You should be! Sep 27, 2011 at 0:25
  • Don't forget that the docstring is itself a string, so it will undergo one level of "unescaping" before being run as a doctest. Sep 27, 2011 at 0:33

I suppose this isn't an answer (I second Liquid_Fire), but a suggestion:

"\\b" -> \b
r"\b" -> \b

Use r"" raw strings to simplify backslashes in Python.

  • 1
    Never mind... I'll upvote yours because someone downvoted mine.
    – Mark Byers
    Sep 27, 2011 at 0:25

Prefix the string with the letter "r". This instructs Python to interpret the string literally.

For your code:

re.sub('a', r'\ b', 'a')

You will often find "r" used with Python and regular expressions.

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