My data variable:


I need it to be grouped by the value after =, so in this case it should look like this:

$out = array('icon_arrow.gif' => '1, 2, 3');

The 'icon_arrow.gif' field need to be unique, and can't repeat.

How it can be done?

  • whats the source of the original string?
    – user557846
    Sep 27, 2011 at 22:46
  • 1
    Maybe it's just me, but I completely do not understand the question. ha
    – Shackrock
    Sep 27, 2011 at 22:47

2 Answers 2


Initialize an array:

$array = array();

Explode the input by ,, store results as an array based on a sub-explode of it by =:

foreach(explode(',', $string) as $p)
   list($i, $n) = explode('=',$p);
   $array[$n][] = $i;

Implode then the result with ,:

foreach($array as &$v)
    $v = implode(', ', $v);


  • Well geez. You did the whole thing for him. How will he ever learn? ;)
    – webbiedave
    Sep 27, 2011 at 22:57
  • Well SO is a browser game: If you hinder users from learning from their questions, they will ask more question, you can easily answer and then you get the points ;)
    – hakre
    Sep 27, 2011 at 22:59
  • I've learned everything already :p , because I understand the whole code, I just was having some troubles with the interpretation.
    – Lucas
    Sep 27, 2011 at 23:00

Just for fun. With no special chars this should also work.


$str = str_replace(',', '&', $str);
parse_str($str, $array);
$result = array();
foreach($array as $k=>$v)
    $result[$v] = (isset($result[$v]) ? $result[$v] . ", " : "") . $k;

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