I have the following data in a table:

e.g. data

0, 'Ford'    
1, 'Toyota, Toyota'  
2, 'BMW'  
3, 'Porsche, Porsche'  
4, 'BMW'  

I need to place this data in the following type List<Tuple<int, string>> carList so that the results within my list would appear as follows:

0, 'Ford'    
1, 'Toyota'  
2, 'BMW'  
3, 'Porsche'  
4, 'BMW'  

using the following pseudo code:

while (SQLiteDataReader.Read())  
        new Tuple<int, string> (   
                                 SQLiteDataReader.GetInt32(0) ,   
                                 SQLiteDataReader.GetString(1).[Some extension method to produce unique items]

Note, when there are items with duplication (Toyota, Porsche) , the duplication will always be the same name. i.e you won't get something like 'Toyota, Ford'.

Is there some extension method that would remove the duplication part?

  • You might also check out the Tuple.Create factory method. Might clean up what you have a bit. Sep 28, 2011 at 21:49

2 Answers 2


This should do the trick:


If you're looking to do the whole thing through a linq query, this should work.

If you're just looking to fix your pseudocode, then scottm's solution should work.

LinqDataContext db = new LinqDataContext();
List<Tuple<int, string>> results = 
          .Select(c => Tuple.Create(c.id, c.Make.Split(',')[0].Trim()))
  • I don't think this does what the OP wants. In your example, c.Make is still going to be 'Toyota, Toyota' not just 'Toyota'
    – scottm
    Sep 28, 2011 at 21:36
  • @scottm, yeah, I think you're right. I fixed the solution so at least it's right, but it's clear you figured out what he meant before I did. +1 Sep 28, 2011 at 21:48

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