I have the following markup:

Some text blalablalalbal<br/><br/>
"You are Awesome" <br/><br/>
----What can I do for you?<br/><br/>

Now I want to hide first line and modify the last line.

How can I grab those text using jQuery?


1: There are multiple instances of similar code-block but with different text. So I won't be able to hardcode. I am wondering if I can split it using
tags somehow?

2: If it can be done in server-side code in C#, that is fine as well.

4 Answers 4


You can play around with textnodes doing something like this.


var $nodes = $('span').contents().map(function(a,b){
    return (b.nodeType===3?b:null);

// hide first line
$($nodes.get(0)).wrap('<span style="display:none;" />');
$nodes.get(2).data = "foo";

Working example of what I mean.


CSS has :first-line and :last-line modifiers.


span:first-line {
  display: none;

Use jQuery with selector to modify last line:

var content = $('span:last-line').html();
content += " - Modified";
  • I haven't tested the above code, but it should work in theory! :D Oct 6, 2011 at 19:36
  • I don’t think jQuery has a :first-line or :last-line selector. Oct 6, 2011 at 19:48

You can split the line breaks and modify the array:

var elm = $('span'),
    lines = elm.html().split('<br>');

lines.shift(); // removes the first
lines[lines.length-3] += '-modified'; // modify the last


Or you can put the three lines in three different spans with ids. Something like:

<span id="sentence1">Some text blalablalalbal</span><br/><br/>
<span id="sentence2">"You are Awesome" </span><br/><br/>
<span id="sentence3">----What can I do for you?</span><br/><br/>

And hiding the first sentence with jquery:


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