I have two selectors

    var allNodes = $("a.historyEntry");
    var errorNodes = $("a.historyEntry.error");

I would like to to find a node before first error node, so I need to find an index of first error node, how to do it?

I tried to use inArray method, but it doesn't work for this

$.inArray(allNodes, errorNodes.first())


$.inArray(allNodes, $(errorNodes.first()))

Is there any fast way to do it in jQuery or do I have to use for loop?

  • If I understand you correctly: some of the nodes in allNodes have the error class, and you want to find the last "good" node before the first "error" node. Is that right? Oct 14, 2011 at 13:32

3 Answers 3



It's like indexOf... but just without the Of... it returns the index of the element if it exists, and -1 if it doesn't.


Use index(). It does exactly the same thing as indexOf in java.


$.inArray value is the first parameter then the array:

$.inArray(allNodes, errorNodes.first())

should be:

$.inArray(errorNodes.first(), allNodes)


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