I want to write this simple code for double sum in mathematica, but it had no answer to me

Mathematica graphics

Actually I want to write the square of the following series(n may be infinity) as a double sum. Mathematica graphics


1 Answer 1


try this


For more information on sum and products in mathematica, have a look at the documentation:

Sum and products

hope it helps

for your second question write:


Not sure what your update is, but if it's about the infinity just type :


and if you want the numerical value type :


and it will print you the numerical value of your sum

If you want to define a function :

f[n_]:= (Sum[(-1)^(k-1)/k^t,{k,1,n}])^2

the square as a double sum is :


and it should be equal with any n to the square (Sum[(-1)^(k-1)/k^t,{k,1,n}])^2

  • I want first this squre in the form of double series, then numerical value. because the numerical value, when I square it and when I write in the double series form, they are different. I think the limit of these forms are the same, but for finite case, No. thanks
    – asd
    Oct 20, 2011 at 11:47
  • @asd, do you mean replace in my first function a[i] by (-1)^(i-1)/i^t and b[i-j] by (-1)^((i-j)-1)/(i-j)^t ? Oct 20, 2011 at 12:09
  • @asd were you able to find what you need ? Oct 21, 2011 at 11:33

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