I have a Datagridview and the Data Source is dtCustomer I just want to filter the content of grid view based on a search text. Itried the following code

DataTable dtSearch =  dtCustomer;
dtSearch.Select("cust_Name like '" + txtSearch.Text + "%'");
grvCustomer.DataSource = dtSearch;

But this is not working. If any body knows the solution please share.

8 Answers 8


Try this:

dtSearch.DefaultView.RowFilter = "cust_Name like '" + txtSearch.Text + "%'";  

And check whatever there is space to be removed by triming the text.


The return value for DataTable.Select is a DataRow[] array. It returns a list of matching DataRows. Your code does nothing with those rows at the moment.

You can setup a DataView with a filter and set the grid's DataSource to the DataView:

DataView dv = new DataView(dtSearch);
dv.RowFilter = "...";
grvCustomer.DataSource = dv;

You could try using a DataView (code not tested) -

DataView dv = new DataView(dtSearch);
dv.RowFilter = "cust_Name like '" + txtSearch.Text + "%'";
grvCustomer.DataSource = dv;

Or Try this;

dataGridView.Datasource = datatable.Select("....").CopyToDataTable()
dtCustomer.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().Select(dr => (string)dr["cust_Name"].Startswith("zzz")).ToList()

You can do something like this.

DataView dv1 = dtDefault.DefaultView; 
dv1.RowFilter = "CusGroupId=1 and CustomerCode LIKE '"+txtCustomer.Text +"%'";  
DataTable dt=dv1.ToTable();

DataTable.Select returns array of row, but you are binding entire data table not filtered rows. use this way or DataView

DataTable dtSearch =  dtCustomer;
var filter = dtSearch.Select("cust_Name like '" + txtSearch.Text + "%'");
grvCustomer.DataSource = filter.ToList();

I think this is what you're looking for?

//DataTable dtSearch =  dtCustomer;
//dtSearch.Select("cust_Name like '" + txtSearch.Text + "%'");

grvCustomer.DataSource = dtCustomer.Select("cust_Name like '" + txtSearch.Text + "%'");

And when you want to go back to the original data

grvCustomer.DataSource = dtCustomer;

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