I am trying to make a side panel in a Flex application that would hold a bunch of properties of a selected object. The number of properties may become huge, but they all fall into some certain categories.

For that, I am looking for a flex control that would be like a collapsible field group. Or like an accordion that can have multiple open panels at a time. Do you know, where can I get one?

UPDATE: I want something like the second example on the following page: http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/form/dynamic.html

Thanks, Artem.

  • Because I want more than one group to be open at a time
    – artemb
    Apr 25, 2009 at 11:39

2 Answers 2



is what you are looking for.


It sounds to me like you are looking for some sort of tree component. Flex actually has one of those and you should probably take a look at it.

This is a good link to see what controls are included in flex http://examples.adobe.com/flex3/componentexplorer/explorer.html


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