I am trying to come up with a way to email a dev team when an exception occurs on a web page that I am developing. I heard of ELMAH, but I was hoping to use an internal Microsoft library to try and do that. I thought I saw an article online with a library, but I can't seem to find it (saw it last Friday and I can't seem to find it). If you could even point me to a tutorial of some kind, then I would appreciate it.

  • Downgrade? Was it that dumb a question? Nov 21, 2011 at 14:32

2 Answers 2


many logging frameworks are capable of sending an email on a logged exception.

MS wrote the Enterprise Library: use the email trace listener

Enterprise Library: Logging Block and Email

or you can use a 3rd party such as log4net : smtp appender http://logging.apache.org/log4net/release/config-examples.html

Elmah is not MS but here is a tutorial for that http://www.storm-consultancy.com/blog/development/tools-plugins/setup-email-alerts-from-elmah-when-exceptions-are-raised/


  • Good comment. That being said, I have a dumb questions. Do I have to add a NEW listener? I already have a listener, but it doesn't have the correct DLL as deliniated in the stackoverflow post you showed me. Can I add another listener this time with the email logger? Nov 21, 2011 at 13:57
  • from my understanding you can multiple listeners configured. so it can log to a db, email and file. So either change your current listener or add the email one
    – dbones
    Nov 21, 2011 at 14:04

I don't see any problem using ELMAH, it is very stable.

Here is a good post to handle the error and send email: http://www.codecapers.com/post/Error-Handling-in-MVC-with-ELMAH.aspx

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