How do I use Doctrine in a service container?

The Code just causes an error message "Fatal error: Call to undefined method ...::get()".


namespace ...\Service;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use ...\Entity\Header;

class dsdsf
    protected $em;

    public function __construct(EntityManager $em)
        $this->em = $em;

    public function create()
        $id = 10;
        $em = $this->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();


        class: ...\Service\Site

8 Answers 8


According to your code, you already have an EntityManager injected. You don't need to call $em = $this->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager() — just use $this->em.

If you don't inject an EntityManager already, read this.


You need to make the container inject an EntityManager into your service. Here's an example of doing it in config.yml:

        class: YourVendor\YourBundle\Service\YourService
        arguments: [ @doctrine.orm.entity_manager ]

I prefer to define bundles' services in their own services.yml files, but that's a bit more advanced, so using config.yml is good enough to get started.

  • 1
    Do you mean like this? $this->em->getRepository('...')->find($id); "atchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to ...::__construct() must be an instance of Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager, none given" Dec 1, 2011 at 14:56
  • 1
    Yes, I meant that. You're getting this error because you're not injecting an EntityManager from the container. I'll update my answer. Dec 1, 2011 at 15:50
  • @user1075510: If this is the best answer, please checkmark it.
    – webbiedave
    Mar 23, 2012 at 15:05
  • Can we also pass in arguments: [@doctrine] and just call $this->doctrine->getEntityManager() ? I seem to be getting a "A new entity was found through the relationship" error whenever I pass in doctrine.orm.entity_manager, but it gets resolved whenever I use the latter
    – Reza S
    Dec 28, 2012 at 20:33
  • 2
    It's also better to pass Doctrine and call getEntityManager every single time because the entity manager gets closed after Database Level Errors. So if you want to manually do stuff after a known transaction failure, your screwed. Feb 11, 2013 at 0:50

For easily accessing the Entitymanager use the following one:

  your service here:
    class: yourclasshere
    arguments: [@doctrine.orm.entity_manager]

And in the class itself:

class foo
  protected $em;

  public function __construct(\Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $em)
    $this->em = $em;

  public function bar()
      //Do the Database stuff
      $query = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();

      //Your Query goes here

      $result = $query->getResult();

This is my first answer so any comments are appreciated :)

  • 7
    The example class that you posted isn't valid PHP. Correct your example, and I'll give you an upvote.
    – Jon L.
    Jan 28, 2013 at 11:25
  • 2
    You missed 2 semi colons Dec 24, 2013 at 6:33
  • 1
    You cannot call any functions outside of a method scope (e.g. right in the class). Calling $this->em->createQueryBuilder() would never work, because referring to $this is invalid at this point.
    – Mirage
    Jun 12, 2014 at 9:44
  • little typo protected $em: should be protected $em; Jun 10, 2017 at 18:53

Please try this code:



For Symfony 3.x

The most easy-peasy solution for me was to just turn on autowiring/autoconfiguring, and then injecting the service I needed via the constructor. Note that I have also allowed any controller to be injected as a service by setting resource: '../../src/AppBundle/*'

 #services.yml or config.yml
        autowire: true
        autoconfigure: true
        public: false
    # Allow any controller to be used as a service
        resource: '../../src/AppBundle/*'    
        # you can exclude directories or files
        # but if a service is unused, it's removed anyway
        exclude: '../../src/AppBundle/{Entity,Repository,Tests,DataFixtures,Form}'

Then in any service, you can inject & use the entity manager $em (or any other service/controller) via the constructor like this:

// class xyz
private $em;
// constructor
public function __construct(\Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $em)  {
    $this->em = $em;
public function bar() {
    //Do the Database stuff
    $query = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
    //Your Query goes here
    $result = $query->getResult();

for anyone who works with symfony3: u need to do the following inside config/services.yml in order to use doctrine in Service Container:

          class: AppBundle\Services\MyServiceClass
          arguments: [ "@doctrine.orm.entity_manager" ]

in the Symfony 3.4. If you want to use Doctrine in a service you can do it: Only this method worked for me


      public: true
      arguments: [ '@doctrine.orm.entity_manager' ]


class YourService
    private $em;
    public function __construct($em)  {
        $this->em = $em;


use YourBundle\PatchService\YourService;

         * @Route("/YourController/",name="YourController")
        public function indexAction()
            $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
            $Notification = new  YourService($em);

I am using Symfony 3.4. If you want to create a service in a bundle this works for me:

     $em: '@doctrine.orm.entity_manager'

In your Service.php


namespace Hannoma\ElternsprechtagBundle\Service;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Hannoma\ElternsprechtagBundle\Entity\Time;

class TimeManager
 protected $em;

 public function __construct(EntityManager $em)
    $this->em = $em;


Since 2017 and Symfony 3.3 you can register Repository as service, with all its advantages it has.

Your code would change like this.

1. Service configuration

# app/config/services.yml
        autowire: true

       resource: ...\Service

2. Create new class - custom repository:

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;

class YourRepository
    private $repository;

    public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
        $this->repository = $entityManager->getRepository(YourEntity::class);

    public function find($id)
        return $this->repository->find($id);

3. Use in any Controller or Service like this

class dsdsf
    private $yourRepository;

    public function __construct(YourRepository $yourRepository)
        $this->yourRepository = $yourRepository;

    public function create()
        $id = 10;

Do you want to see more code and pros/cons lists?

Check my post How to use Repository with Doctrine as Service in Symfony.

  • Why not define it in your service config as an argument? @=service("doctrine.orm.entity_manager").getRepository("Namespace\Entity")
    – Will B.
    Nov 27, 2017 at 15:08
  • 1
    Framework-agnostic PHP code over framework-coupled-config-yaml-specific knowledge. Nov 28, 2017 at 1:07
  • Fair enough, thank you. Sorry, I should have provided a link to the Symfony expression usage
    – Will B.
    Nov 28, 2017 at 2:31

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