I have a task of unit testing C project for homework. It's written in Code Blocks. Here's one example from the code:

void ServerUserWrite(int Command)  //Command "1" prints an extra row into server. For example addinga new user. it expects that the extra row with the correct data is already existing in the structure.
        FILE *UserDataBase;
        int i,j;
                        fprintf(UserDataBase,"%d ",UserDB[i].UserID);
                        fprintf(UserDataBase,"%s ",UserDB[i].User);
                        fprintf(UserDataBase,"%d ",UserDB[i].UserPasswordLength);
                        fprintf(UserDataBase,"%d ",UserDB[i].Encrypter);
                        for (j=0;j<UserDB[i].UserPasswordLength;j++)
                        {fprintf(UserDataBase,"%d ",UserDB[i].Pass[j]);}
                        fprintf(UserDataBase,"%d ",UserDB[i].BackgroundColor);
                        fprintf(UserDataBase,"%d ",UserDB[i].ForegroundColor);
                        fprintf(UserDataBase,"%d ",UserDB[i].UnreadMessages);

Well the question is: Is there any unit testing framework to combine with Code Blocks? And how to do it?

3 Answers 3


Yes we use Check to unit test our C project too, there is no need to integrate to the IDE, it's more friendly to show the testing result as a plain text.

But there is a framework for C++ unit test which can combined with code block IDE: Unit testing for Code Block


Don't know about Code Blocks, but you might wanna use check.h and follow this tutorial : http://check.sourceforge.net/doc/check_html/check_3.html. Writing test suites with it is pretty easy. I learnt about it looking at gstreamer-editing-services, may'be will you wanna have a look at their test suite: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-editing-services/tree/tests/check/ges They reimplemented it but the way it works is basically the same.


The grand-daddy of all unit-testing in C questions is here:

Unit Testing C Code

Again, not specific to Code Blocks, but most of the strategies are standard C.

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