So, let's say I have the strings:

aaa -Dprop=var Class arg
aaa Class arg

I want a single one-liner (perl, sed, awk, doesn't matter) that can extract arg and var (if its there). Specifically, I'd like to return

arg var

The following works for the first one:

echo "aaa -Dprop=var Class arg" | perl -pe 's|.*(-Dprop=([a-z]*)).*Class (.*)|\3 \2|'

but because -Dprop= is required, it obviously doesn't work the second one.

If, however, I make that match optional:

echo "aaa -Dprop=var Class arg" | perl -pe 's|.*(-Dprop=([a-z]*))?.*?Class (.*)|\3 \2|'

it doesn't work for the first one because, I believe the two .*s are greedy qualifiers and match -Dprop first.

If I make them non-greedy, it still doesn't work, but I'm not sure why.

echo "aaa -Dprop=var Class arg" | perl -pe 's|.*?(-Dprop=([a-z]*))?.*?Class (.*)|\3 \2|'

So, first, what regex can I use that matches correctly? (I know I could split it into multiple commands, but I rather just have one).

  • +1 wow, someone that has actually tried to write some code before posting! ;-) Good luck.
    – shellter
    Dec 5, 2011 at 15:44
  • "-Dprop=" is fixed or could be anything "foo=yourVar"?
    – Kent
    Dec 5, 2011 at 15:45
  • @Kent, -Dprop is fixed, var can be anything (but in a specific format) Dec 5, 2011 at 15:49

3 Answers 3



echo "aaa -Dprop=var Class arg"|perl -pe 's|(.*-Dprop=(.*))?.*Class\s*(.*)|$3 $2|'

Notice too that \3 is better written as $3 (which the warnings pragma would divulge).

  • +1 overall, but a bit more tweaking is probably needed: if $2 is present, it will include any whitespace before Class.
    – ruakh
    Dec 5, 2011 at 15:58
  • All I needed was the concept. That line obviously wasn't the exact line I'm parsing. I never thought about including the first wildcard in the optional match. Dec 5, 2011 at 16:17
perl -pe 's|^.*?(?:-Dprop=([\S]+))?\s+Class\s+(.*?)$|\2 \1|'

This might work for you:

echo -e "aaa -Dprop=var Class arg\naaa Class arg"|
sed 's/.*-Dprop=\([^ ]*\).*\( \)Class \([^ ]*\)\|.*Class \([^ ]*\)/\3\2\1\4/'
arg var

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