In order to signout from my webapp, I need to call a json to signout (clear all cookies)


However, I am unsure how I can refresh the page + redirect the web page to the address i want e.g. /#!/signin? after the signout is successful.

  • What web framework are you using? e.g. ASP.NET, php etc?
    – Russell
    Dec 6, 2011 at 8:22

1 Answer 1


if you want to solve it in javascript just use window.location = "yourlinkhere"

I use the same sort of thing to determine if I have to show a push notification. I also use asp.net and vb.net so not sure if it will help you but you will get a basic idea of what to do :)

//admin is the controller the second is the function.

That function will return a json. in this case its about submitting a form. so you check if the form is valid or not. in the end it shows this:

 Return Json(New With {.status = "error"})

or when its good its with .status = "ok" Then I get the json back on my page. This is the whole function(including the post function)

$.post("/admin/UpdateBrainBattle/" + sessionId, { questionId: key, startTimeField: startTimeField, startDateField: startDateField },
                   function(data) {
                        if (data.status == 'ok'){
                         parentLi.find('div.dateTimeBlock div.view').html(data.value).show();
                         parentLi.find('div.dateTimeBlock div.edit').hide();

This way you can tell your page, if everything was succesful go to this page, otherwise take this action. Hope this helped you a bit on your way :)

Edit: noted you used a $.get instead, it can work exactly the same way as long as the function you call to has a return value you should be fine.

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