I have an IEnumerable of Lesson objects:

IEnumerable<Lesson> filteredLessons

I convert it to a List through the following method:


But I want the returned list to contain only the first property, lessonid, not all the Lesson properties.

How can I get the data of specific property of the list instead of the objects?

2 Answers 2


You can select the value you want first, like this:

filteredLessons.Select(l => l.lessonId).ToList();

And you'll get a list of ID's

  • Any suggestions on how best to make this solution work generically for any property?
    – Brendan
    Aug 17, 2017 at 11:44

If you want to get the the specific row value from list using linq use the following code:

var name = from r in objClientList
           where r.ClientCode == Convert.ToInt32(drpClientsInternal.Items[i].Value)
           select r.IsInternalClient;

foreach (bool c in name)
    if (c)
        ClientNameInternal = ClientNameInternal + drpClientsInternal.Items[i].Text +", ";
        drpClientsInternal.Items[i].Selected = true;

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