Here is the matlab code:

javaclasspath(pwd); % set java path to current working directory

% call the java function
Result = googleTrend.TrendDataExtractor.ExtractData(Email, Password, word, from, till, scale, handlerHttps, handlerHttp);

It runs fine in windows but in mac it gives the following error:

Undefined variable "googleTrend" or class "googleTrend.TrendDataExtractor.ExtractData"

I think javaclasspath(pwd) is not working correct.
Note: pwd returns the current working directory

  • 1
    is googleTrend a subdirectory of the current path? Or is googleTrend in a Jar file?
    – Memming
    Jan 7, 2012 at 0:04
  • To add to Memming's comment, we need to see location and contents (or portions) of the relevant *.jar and *.class files.
    – Pursuit
    Jan 7, 2012 at 1:33

1 Answer 1


It was problem with the pwd. I hard-coded the the path in javaclasspath it worked fine

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