I have the following method in my controller:

@RequestMapping( value="/servers/{server}", method = RequestMethod.GET )
public @ResponseBody List<Application> getServerInformation( String server ) {
    logger.debug( "Request for server: " + server );

When I request /servers/test.myserver.com, the bound variable has value test.myserver. In general, for any request that includes dot-separated values the last part is omitted from the bound variable's value. I am using Spring 3.0.4

Any suggestions?



2 Answers 2


You can use Ant style matching patterns. For your example you can simply do this:

@RequestMapping( value="/servers/{server:.*}", method = RequestMethod.GET )
public @ResponseBody List<Application> getServerInformation(
                          @PathVariable(value = "server") String server ) {
    logger.debug( "Request for server: " + server );

You may want to change the useDefaultSuffixPattern of DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping. Check How to change Spring MVC's behavior in handling url 'dot' character for a discussion on this.

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