I am having problems trying to make some of my scrollable elements draggable.

I'm using jquery ui, but basically I need the scrollbar to not interfere with the drag events.

See this js fiddle for an example: http://jsfiddle.net/eCbSp/

In firefox dragging down on the scrollbar causes the box to move, in chrome / ie the cursor becomes stuck to the box after trying to scroll with the mouse.

Does anyone know if what I'm trying to do is possible?



1 Answer 1


What I did was place a div inside of your scroll div and set its width to 98% of its parents width. I created it so it could be used as a handle, which means that when a user clicks that element it will actually move your draggable. Hope this works...worked fine is jsfiddle but didnt try it cross browser, it should work tho =)

<div class="valign_outer container">
    <div class="myhandle" style="width:98%; height:100%;">
    <div class="valign_inner">
        <p>How much content is in here?</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>And Lots</p>
        <p>I am going to be bigger than min height!</p>

var dragOpts = {
    handle: '.myhandle'

$('.container').draggable(dragOpts );

Here is a sample of it working

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