I want to make all the videos play full screen in android/ios. i am using the ooyala player for playback.

<div class="sResult" onclick="javascript:document.getElementById(2).playMovie();" style="display: block; ">...</div>

When I trigger the .playMovie() function I want to play the movie in fullscreen. Is there any function call or parameter i can use to do so?

1 Answer 1


There is no official way to programmatically control the fullscreen functionality of the Ooyala Player.

On Android, the Ooyala Player will automatically go to fullscreen when played on a phone. Tablets will still be played inline, and it is not yet possible to control fullscreen on the Flash Player from javascript, as Flash throws security errors.

For HTML5/iOS, you can call fullscreen on the underlying video tag- In your case, that would be something like: "if(document.getElementById(2).getElementsByTagName('video')[0]) document.getElementById(2).getElementsByTagName('video')[0].webkitRequestFullScreen();"

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