I have written the following function which adds an event listener and registers the event. Assume that this.$target holds the element id of the target element (for example: if we add event listener on div having id = 'myDiv', then this.$target will be myDiv) and this.$_ points to the target element (for example: this.$_=document.getElementById('myDiv'))

The event is registered in the following way... There is an array for each type of event listeners for an element. For ex: myDiv_click will hold all click event listeners on div having id = myDiv...Slly myDiv_mouseover will hold all mouse over event handlers of the element..Corresponding to each event ,an event id is returned by the function. Which is in the form eventType_indexInTheArray.. For example: the first mouse click event on an element will have an event id click_0

This works fine...

Now I wrote a function for removing an eventlistener. The function takes the eventId returned by $hear() as argument... But after executing it the event is not deleted.. The function is given below.. What is the bug in it?

   main.prototype.$hear = function(ev,callbackF,order)
            if(typeof order == 'undefined' || order =='' )
            order = 0;
            order = (order == 1)?true:false;
            var a;
            if(!(a = (this[this.$target+ev])))//event registration
            a = ((this[this.$target+ev]) = new Array());
            return ev+"_"+(a.length - 1);//event Id

    main.prototype.$miss = function(evId)
            var ev = evId.split("_");
            var evIndex = ev[1];
            ev = ev[0];
            evId = ev;
            if((!(ev = (this[this.$target+ev]))) || ev.length-1<evIndex||evIndex<0)
                alert("ERROR \n\n\n Event having event id   "+evId+" is not registered\n");
                return false;
                var temp = evIndex;
                evIndex = ev[evIndex].split("_") ;

3 Answers 3


You need to pass exactly the same arguments to removeEventListener like to EventListener. Thus adequate callbackF and order.

You are not doing so.

You probably meant

evIndex = a[evIndex].split("_");

instead of

evIndex = ev[evIndex].split("_");

and wanted a to be global.

But still the issue will be that you want get your original Function back from String.

You need to rethink and redesign your code.

Simply push:

   'event_name' : ev,
   'callback' : callbackF,
   'order' : order

into a instead of your concatenated string.


It looks like evIndex[0] is a string which you're sending to removeEventListener instead of a reference to the function you want to remove.

I think you need something like this:


I realise that the string evIndex[0] contains the name of the function, but removeEventListener needs an actual reference to it, not just its name in a string.

  • so instead of a.push(callbackF+"_"+order); is a.push(callbackF) a.push(order) and corresponding retreival in $miss is enough? Jan 30, 2012 at 17:59
  • 1
    @JinuJD better push object containing all the needed data, see my answer.
    – Krizz
    Jan 30, 2012 at 18:02
  • 2
    yeah that would work, but the edit @Krizz made to their answer is a nicer solution.
    – Howard
    Jan 30, 2012 at 18:05
function scaleTwo(influenceEvent){
    var slideshow=document.getElementById("step3");         
        if (slideshow.attachEvent){     
            slideshow.attachEvent("on"+mousewheelevt, rotateimage)
        } else if (slideshow.addEventListener) {
            slideshow.addEventListener(mousewheelevt, rotateimage, false)
    } else{
        if (slideshow.attachEvent) {
            slideshow.detachEvent("on"+mousewheelevt, rotateimage);
        } else if (slideshow.addEventListener) {
            slideshow.removeEventListener(mousewheelevt, rotateimage, false);

var influenceEvent = 0;


    if (($(document).scrollTop() > $('#step1').height()*2) && $(document).scrollTop() < $('#step1').height()*3) {

        if(flagScrollTwo) {
            influenceEvent = 1;
        flagScrollTwo = 0;                              

    if (($(document).scrollTop() > $('#step1').height()*3) || $(document).scrollTop() < $('#step1').height()*2) {

           influenceEvent = 0;

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