I have a table that is populated from a JSON object. The result is a table with an uneven number of cells in each row. I'm working on a script to automatically append empty cells to each row so that there is a uniform number. My problem is figuring out the length of the longest row in the table. Below is my attempt at this. However, I keep getting errors that the row is undedefined (e.g. "cannot read property length of undefined"). What have I done wrong?

function countCells() {
var columnCount;
$("#MarketsTable tr").each(function () {
    columnCount = Math.max(columnCount, $(this).cells.length);
return columnCount;

2 Answers 2


I've made two changes to the code below. First I've declared columnCount as 0 in case the issue is related to passing NaN to Math.max. Secondly $(this).cells has been replaced with its vanilla counterpart.

function countCells() 
    var columnCount = 0;
    $("#MarketsTable tr").each(function () {
        columnCount = Math.max(columnCount, this.cells.length);
    return columnCount;


  • Good catch. JavaScript does indeed return NaN from the Math.max function in this case. Jan 31, 2012 at 22:38
  • Good catch indeed. I just figured that out the hard way.
    – hughesdan
    Jan 31, 2012 at 22:39
  • I gave mblase75 credit for the answer since he was first. But you deserve a +1 for NaN.
    – hughesdan
    Jan 31, 2012 at 22:46

You're mixing basic DOM/JavaScript with jQuery.

Replace $(this).cells.length with either $(this).children('td').length or this.cells.length


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