In my application, I need to bind string and bitmapsource properties. the string binding works fine, but bitmapsource is not. It is sure that there are already image data by bitmapsource, as I can save it on disk. I also created a small project and both work fine.



<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="MyStringData" 
                    ObjectType="{x:Type local:ImageProcess}" />

<Image x:Key="Txt" Source="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyStringData}, Path=uri}" /> <!--uri is a string, it's fine -->
<Image x:Key="Txt" Source="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyStringData}, Path=bms}" /> <!--bms is a BitmapSource, it's not fine -->


c# ....

    public string urii { set; get; }
    public BitmapSource bms { set; get; }


can anybody give me the reason?

Many thanks!

1 Answer 1


These might be the answers:

  • anatoliiG, thanks for the links you provided, but they are still not very helpful. My problem is: <Image x:Key="Txt" Source="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyStringData}, Path=bms}" /> <!--bms is a BitmapSource, it's not fine in my application, BUT it's working in my simple test project! --> Feb 5, 2012 at 1:07

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