I have a file called test that contains an unkown number of lines:

<label>blog description</label><type>text</type>

I would like to use SED or AWK to read that file and store each label and each type into a separate variable or even better into an array.

this example would output the content of label in a file:

awk -vRS="</variable>" '/<variable>/{gsub(/.*<variable>/,"");print}' test >result

But I need to the contents of each line and separate them by the content of each tag to give me something like this:


I would then need to process the array with a do while script.

I have been searching for a solution to this for hours but had no luck.

  • You could probably write an awk script to output a line with the label followed by a line with the type and use read in a while loop in bash to put the values into an array. Look up read and bash arrays.
    – perelman
    Feb 12, 2012 at 21:22

2 Answers 2


The following code should never really be used. It solves the problem, but a bash script is not really what you want to use for such a task.

while read line; do
    label=`echo $line | sed -n 's|^.*<label>\(.*\)</label>.*$|\1|p'`
    type=`echo $line | sed -n 's|^.*<type>\(.*\)</type>.*$|\1|p'`
    echo "label:" $label
    echo "type:" $type

Edit: Another version inspired by the comment by perelman

sed -n 's|^<label>\(.*\)</label><type>\(.*\)</type>.*$|\1\n\2|p' | while read label; do
    read type
    echo "label:" $label
    echo "type:" $type
  • The solution provided was great but I tried to add a third variable but it does not seem to work Feb 12, 2012 at 23:26

This might work for you:

sed 's/<\([^>]*\)>\([^<]*\)<\/\1>/&\n/g' file |
sed '/^\s*$/d;s/<\([^>]*\)>\([^<]*\)<\/\1>/\1="\2"/'
label="blog description"

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