When setting the PixelFormat on an Android GLSurfaceView, such as:


Is there any limitation on particular PixelFormats for particular devices, or are all PixelFormats supposed to work on all devices?

If there are limitations, then how can I find out which PixelFormats are supported on the current device?

1 Answer 1


I haven't seen any documentation explicitly outlining the level of device support for any given PixelFormat. But if you look at the documentation for PixelFormat you'll see an Added in API level ... tag to the right.

I believe this means their support is based on the Android API level running on the device, not the device itself.

For example RGBA_8888 was Added in API level 1 so that's 100% available. But RGBA_F16 was Added in API level 26, so only those devices running Android 8.0.0 (Oreo) or higher will support it.

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