Given this folder structure:

root folder
    + default
        + settings1.txt
        + settings2.txt
        + settingsN.txt
    + user00001
        + settings1.txt
    + userN
        + settings1.txt

And this example url:




I would like to write a rule that let me do:

folder exists ? check file : 404

file exists ? serve users file : serve default file

I tried using try_files but I think I can only use $uri i get the whole url, would be great if I could work with the slugs ( $1 = user00009 & $2 = settings1.txt )

Then maybe I could put:

location / {
   root /...
   try_files $1/$2 default/$2 =404;

Any idea?

Note: I know i could server the files from outside nginx ( in this case django ) but Im trying to speed things up

1 Answer 1

location ~ ^(/[^/]+)(/.+)$ {
  root ...;
  if (!-d "$document_root$1") {
    return 404;
  try_files $1$2 /default$2 =404;
  • Thanks @Alexander, I know this may be regex related, but what if the folder and file names are not named with patterns? instead of user0001:alexanderazarov and instead of settings1.txt:finance.txt?
    – Mc-
    Feb 15, 2012 at 9:19
  • Seems this line: if (! -d $document_root$1) { Is giving me an error :S
    – Mc-
    Feb 15, 2012 at 9:44
  • Is there a problem to make regex less specific? Please see my edits. I've wrapped the condtion's argument into double quotes as well, but frankly I'm not sure nginx allows $document_root in this context. You better try these edits, but probably you'll have to write /var/root$1 instead Feb 15, 2012 at 14:29
  • Partially working, I had to remove the space between ! and -d ( before: !_-d now: !-d ) in the first condition and add a ";" after the =404. try_files is not working... Is there any chance I can see what nginx is doing? (step by step) looks it cannot reach the folders... maybe $1 and $2 are wrong? do they need slash? $1/$2/
    – Mc-
    Feb 15, 2012 at 15:58
  • 1
    Thanks! I've fixed the answer. No, you don't need slashes, because regexp captures them. My recommendation is to keep error_log level at least at notice. And if you set error_log severity to debug, Nginx will write a lot of debugging information per every request. Feb 15, 2012 at 20:00

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