I'm trying to reduce a vec like [\space \space \space \a \space] to

"   a "

However, I'm getting:

Clojure> (apply str [\space \space \space \a])
         " a "

It seems str is stripping multiple \space chars. Is there a way to get around this?

(By the way, I'm just using Try Clojure to try and work through 4clojure)

2 Answers 2


I think its tryclj issue, not clojure. Just tested on clojure 1.2

(apply str [\space \space \space \a]) => "   a"

UPD: I'm almost sure that is tryclj markup issue. Just tested on tryclj

(= (apply str [\space \space \a]) " a") => false
(= (apply str [\space \space \a]) "  a") => true
  • +1 from a Clojure 1.2.1 user. Don't know if the behavior has changed in 1.3.
    – ponzao
    Feb 15, 2012 at 9:20

It's not a clojure issue, just an HTML issue: If I write:

a      b       c

That renders as just a b c because HTML collapses whitespace (feel free to check the source of this question - I really wrote lots of spaces in both instances). Your repl is in an HTML environment, so I wouldn't be too surprised to learn that in one or two places it isn't careful enough about escaping <code> blocks.

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