
I am generating the zip file from this folder "D:\Nagaraj\Dotnet\Zipfile\Zipfile\Filebuild\Hi" within that "Hi" folder has 2 txt files. .....yes Now generating the Hi.zip file.But problem is Within that zip file has this particular path "D:\Nagaraj\Dotnet\Zipfile\Zipfile\Filebuild\Hi" and within that hi folder has 2 txt fils. Now I need to remove this path "D:\Nagaraj\Dotnet\Zipfile\Zipfile\Filebuild\Hi" and directly generate that Hi.zip file and within that 2 txt file......thanks ....in advance

I am using sharpziplib library enter code here

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

public void StartZip(string directory, string zipFileName)
  ZipFile z = ZipFile.Create(directory + zipFileName);
   string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles(directory);
   foreach (string filename in filenames)

1 Answer 1


From the help file, where you add your files, you say how to do you like to show inside the zip.

public void StartZip(string directory, string zipFileName)
  using(ZipFile z = ZipFile.Create(directory + zipFileName))

    // Create a reference to the directory.
    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(directory);
    // Create an array representing the files in the current directory.
    FileInfo[] fi = di.GetFiles();

    // here the entryName is the name that you like to show inside zip
    foreach (FileInfo fiTemp in fi)
        z.Add(fiTemp.FullName, fiTemp.Name);


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