My goal is to match the first 0 and everything after that zero in a decimal value. If the first decimal place is a zero then I want to match the decimal too. If there is no decimal then capture nothing.

Here are some examples of what I want:

180.570123 // should capture the "0123" on the end
180.570    // should capture the "0" on the end
180.0123   // should capture the ".0123" on the end
180.0      // should capture the ".0" on the end
180123     // should capture nothing
180        // should capture nothing

If the first decimal place is a 0 then making the match is easy:


My problem is matching when the first decimal place is not a 0. I believe positive lookbehind will fix this issue, but I am not able to get it to work correctly. Here is one regex I have tried:


This regex will eventually be used in Java.


I am going to use this regex to get rid of numbers and possibly a decimal point on the end of a string using Java's replaceAll method. I will do this by replacing the capture group with an empty string. Here is a better example of what I want.

String case1 = "180.570123";
String case2 = "180.570";
String case3 = "180.0123";
String case4 = "180.0";
String case5 = "180123";
String case6 = "180";

String result = null;

result = case1.replaceAll( "THE REGEX I NEED", "" );
System.out.println( result ); // should print 180.57

result = case2.replaceAll( "THE REGEX I NEED", "" );
System.out.println( result ); // should print 180.57

result = case3.replaceAll( "THE REGEX I NEED", "" );
System.out.println( result ); // should print 180

result = case4.replaceAll( "THE REGEX I NEED", "" );
System.out.println( result ); // should print 180

result = case5.replaceAll( "THE REGEX I NEED", "" );
System.out.println( result ); // should print 180123

result = case6.replaceAll( "THE REGEX I NEED", "" );
System.out.println( result ); // should print 180

Also, I am testing these regexs at http://gskinner.com/RegExr/


4 Answers 4


You can use this expression:


And what you want will be in the first capturing group. (Except the decimal point.)

If you want to capture the decimal point too, you can use:


Example (online):

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?:\\.[1-9]+|(?=\\.))(\\.?0\\d*)");

String[] strs = {"180.570123", "180.570", "180.0123", "180.0", "180123", "180", "180.2030405"};

for (String s : strs) {
    Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
    System.out.printf("%-12s: Match: %s%n", s,
        m.find() ? m.group(1) : "n/a");


180.570123  : Match: 0123
180.570     : Match: 0
180.0123    : Match: .0123
180.0       : Match: .0
180123      : Match: n/a
180         : Match: n/a
180.2030405 : Match: 030405
  • That captures case 1 incorrectly and does not capture case 2 or 4 at all. Mar 2, 2012 at 14:10
  • 1
    @typoknig, updated. And case 1 was always matched correctly. Use the content of the first capturing group, not the whole match.
    – Qtax
    Mar 2, 2012 at 14:14
  • Ah, I see. It does seem to be working when use the content of the first capture group as you said. Thanks a lot! Mar 2, 2012 at 14:54

I would write a small function to do the extracting instead of regex.

private String getZeroPart(final String s) {
        final String[] strs = s.split("\\.");
        if (strs.length != 2 || strs[1].indexOf("0") < 0) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return strs[1].startsWith("0") ? "." + strs[1] : strs[1].substring(strs[1].indexOf("0"));

to test it:

final String[] ss = { "180.570123", "180.570", "180.0123", 
"180.0", "180123", "180", "180.2030405","180.5555" };

        for (final String s : ss) {




based on the EDIT of the question. do some changes on the method to get the right number:

private String cutZeroPart(final String s) {
    final String[] strs = s.split("\\.");
    if (strs.length != 2 || strs[1].indexOf("0") < 0) {
        return s;
    } else {
        return strs[1].startsWith("0") ? strs[0] : s.substring(0, strs[0].length() + strs[1].indexOf("0") + 1);


180.570123 -> 180.57
180.570 -> 180.57
180.0123 -> 180
180.0 -> 180
180123 -> 180123
180 -> 180
180.2030405 -> 180.2
180.5555 -> 180.5555
  • Thanks for this. It is nice to have options, but I think the regex way is a bit cleaner :) Mar 2, 2012 at 16:54

Lookbehinds might be overkill. This one worked well-->


  • That captures case 1 incorrectly and does not capture case 2, 3, or 4 at all. Mar 2, 2012 at 14:15
  • But not that case to capture the decimal and the following 0. What do you expect here: 180.0407
    – Ethan
    Mar 2, 2012 at 14:17
  • The group captures what you want, except for the .0 case.
    – Ethan
    Mar 2, 2012 at 14:18

You can try this :

        Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(?<=(\\.))(\\d*?)(0.*)").matcher("180.2030405");
        String res="";
                res = "."+m.group(3);
                res = m.group(3);

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