Suppose I have following template class:

template<unsigned char I, unsigned char F>
class FOO

In the main function, I have many such variables, with different (I, F), like following,

int main()
   FOO<4, 2> a;
   FOO<6, 3> b;

I want to retain the value of I or F for the defined variables in my main function. Of course, I can define a public/private members for FOO and save the value of (I, F) inside the FOO's constructor, like

   i = I;
   f = F;

Disadvantage of this method is obvious: It enlarge the size of the FOO. IMO, (I, F) of any variable can be determined at compiling time, so there should be a way to do this without creating local variable.

  • What about static const members in the template class? static const unsigned char my_I = I; Or via any kind of function in the class, static or non-static. If you think that won't work for you, I'm afraid you'll have to say how you actually plan to use the values.
    – pmdj
    Mar 3, 2012 at 17:20
  • 1
    I'm not sure I understand the problem. You can use I or F anywhere inside your class template. Mar 3, 2012 at 17:20

3 Answers 3


The usual way (like std::array in C++11) is to do the following:

constexpr unsigned char i() const { return I; }
constexpr unsigned char f() const { return F; }

If your compiler doesn't support constexpr, remove it.


Within your class definition, you can simply refer to the parameters literally (just like any other template parameters!).

But suppose you have this:

typedef Foo<10, 20> MyFoo;

MyFoo x;   // what is I, what is K?

The customary thing is to reflect the template parameters inside the class definition:

template <int A, typename T> struct Foo
    static int const a_value = A;
    typedef T               type;
    // ...

Now you can say: MyFoo::type x; return MyFoo::a_value; etc. Note that integral static class constants don't usually need a definition unless you do something like take their address, so in most cases this won't have any cost in the compiled code -- the compiler simply substitutes the value whenever it sees the name of the constant.


you can simply use the template parameters, like this:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<unsigned char I, unsigned char F>
class FOO
    void bar() {
        cout << "I is: "<<I<<endl;
    char getI() {
        return I;

using namespace std;
int main(){
    FOO<4,2> a;
    cout << "getI:"<<a.getI()<<endl;

you don't need a copy, as in your example (i = I)

BTW: fully capitalized names like FOO are usually by convention reserved for preprocessor Macros.

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