I am developing an application that is supposed to get all posts on a user or page wall. For that purpose I use an fql query like this one:

 https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=SELECT source_id, post_id, actor_id, app_id, viewer_id, created_time, updated_time, target_id FROM stream WHERE source_id = A order by updated_time desc

I noticed the problem when testing with the Graph API Explorer for an user A, that some posts (having links if that is relevant? ) on A's wall made by B are not available. The problem seems somewhat consistent as they are also not available with:


When I open the Graph Explorer with B and use the same queries I can see the missing posts.

Both A and B are friends. In the examples the user id is used instead of A and B respectively. The permissions requested for the access_token are 'read_stream', but even with additional permissions there seems not to be any difference.

Could that be a bug, related to facebook graph api does not return all feed items on facebook page or perhaps some reincarnation of http://bugs.developers.facebook.net/show_bug.cgi?id=10576 ? Another thing I am thinking is that it is related to the current changes that Facebook is making in the API. If someone has any insight it will be much appreciated.

  • To make thing even more weird - a post with link by user C is listed for both A and B, and a post from B without a link in it is also available.
    – Stoian
    Mar 7, 2012 at 17:16


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