sorry for my stupidity but I'm looking for a way to construct an object from a class that connects to a service and also contains another class with methods for the service.

The problem I'm facing is trying to figure out a way to only have to connect to the service once. I refuse to use global variables and the likes.

I'm finding it difficult understanding the object concepts in C# as my programming background mainly comes from JavaScript.

Any help is most appreciated.

namespace Tests.Classes
    public class L
        dynamic uri;
        dynamic service;
        dynamic credentials;
        dynamic proxy;

        public L L()
            this.uri = new Uri("bladie bladie blah");
            this.credentials = new ClientCredentials();
            this.credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = (NetworkCredential)CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
            this.proxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(this.uri, null, this.credentials, null);
            this.service = (IOrganizationService)this.proxy;
            return this;

        public class OL
            public OL OL(dynamic a)
                this.service = parent.service; // <- doesn't compile
                return this;

To make it clear how it's called:

var l = new L();

Maybe my code isn't clear enough. This will keep the categorization fanatics at bay :P.

namespace Tests.Classes
    public class L
        Uri uri;
        IOrganizationService service;
        ClientCredentials credentials;
        OrganizationServiceProxy proxy;

        public L L()
            this.uri = new Uri("hBladie Bladie Blah");
            this.credentials = new ClientCredentials();
            this.credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = (NetworkCredential)CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
            this.proxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(this.uri, null, this.credentials, null);
            this.service = (IOrganizationService)this.proxy;

            return this;

        public class OL
            Entity entity = new Entity();
            IOrganizationService service = null;

            public OL OL(dynamic a)
                if (a is Entity)
                    this.entity = a;
                if (a is string)
                    this.entity = new Entity(a);

                return this;

            public OL attr(dynamic key, dynamic value)
                this.entity[key] = value;
                return this;

            public Boolean save()
                this.parent.service.create(this.entity); // parent does not exist

I hate messy programming, I love jQuery style.

Here's how the code has to be used:

new L().OL("haha").attr("Hello", "world").save();


var l = new L();
l.OL("HAHA").attr("foo", "bar").save();
l.OL("pff").attr("boppa", "deebop").save();
  • First, replace dynamic with var. You don't need dynamic.
    – Jason
    Mar 16, 2012 at 9:07
  • It's not clear what you want parent to be, or why all your variables are declared using dynamic...
    – Jon Skeet
    Mar 16, 2012 at 9:08
  • doesn't answer my question but okay
    – Chris
    Mar 16, 2012 at 9:08
  • 2
    IMHO you need an introductory text to C#, which is widely out of scope for a question here.
    – Jon
    Mar 16, 2012 at 9:09
  • What do you mean not clear? It's supposed to refer to L.service
    – Chris
    Mar 16, 2012 at 9:09

3 Answers 3


That would have worked in Java. In C#, you need to pass L to OL's constructor:

public OL(dynamic O, L parent)
   this.service = parent.service;

By the way, your constructor won't compile, you have two OLs there, and a return.

By the way 2, why are you using so many dynamics?

  • Was pure example.. Dynamics because they always work :D (I come from a JavaScript background where everything is dynamic)
    – Chris
    Mar 16, 2012 at 9:15
  • 1
    "because they always work". No, they always compile. Make a typo or some other mistake and they won't work. :) Mar 16, 2012 at 9:37

Do somethign like this:

public class OL
    dynamic olService = nnull;
    public OL OL(dynamic a)
          this.olService = parent.service; // <- doesn't compile
          //return this; //remove this !!!!


Just note: try to not use dynamic untill you really need that. Use strong types in C# language as much as it possible.


If you want a single service to exist for all instances of your classes, declare it as static. e.g.:

static IOrganizationService service;

Then in your nested class, you can refer to it by L.service.

  • How can I change its value when it is static?
    – Chris
    Mar 16, 2012 at 9:38
  • @Chris, I mentioned in my answer that you can refer to it by L.service. e.g.: L.service = ...;
    – Saeb Amini
    Mar 16, 2012 at 10:35

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