i am new opengl learner. i know there is build in function to draw cylinder in glut something like

GLUquadricObj *quadratic;

However, is there any other way to draw cylinder using glBegin(GL_POLYGON) and glvertex3d, i am not quite clear about the algorithm behind, please help.

  • 1
    By the way, never ever use GL_POLYGON. A bunch of triangles (GL_TRIANGLES, or GL_QUADS if you really want) will do, too and doesn't require you to use an individual glBegin/glEnd block (or an individual draw call) for each face. Mar 17, 2012 at 0:54

1 Answer 1


Use sin/cos to trace around a circle in segments. Extend those segments upwards with 2 triangles. Then connect them to close the ends.

You may be able to find the source online for freeglut. Here's some Java code I found: http://massapi.com/source/lwjgl-source-2.7.1/src/java/org/lwjgl/util/glu/Cylinder.java.html


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