Related: How can i rerender Pinterest's Pin It button?

The design of pinterest "pin it" button for websites, shown on their goodies page, calls for a web designer to insert a specially-marked anchor tag into their web page. Then the page must invoke the pinit.js boilerplate.

The special anchor tag must be like this:

<a href="http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?
   class="pin-it-button" count-layout="horizontal"></a>

and the pinit.js boilerplate must look like this, and must be placed after the last pin.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js">

As far as I can tell, what the pinit.js code does is this:

  • scans the page for anchor tags
  • looks for the special markings, specifically the "pin-it-button" class and the href prefix
  • replaces the anchor tags with reformatted IFRAMEs. The src attributes for these iframes get normalized URLs that point to a different server, not pinterest.com, but rather a server from the CDN that pinterest uses.

This is fine on a static webpage but:

  • it doesn't work on a dynamic page where "pin it" buttons might be dynamically generated via jquery logic and injected into the page markup in response to user actions.
  • it requires one iframe per "pin it" button, which means one HTTP GET per "pin it" button. If you have 10 photos, each with a pinit button, then there are 10 HTTP GETs to pinterests' CDN. All of these GETs are for similarly-named resources, but they are all slightly different, based on the url of the image to be pinned, and as such cannot be cached.

What I would like to do is eliminate the excessive GETs. Any ideas?

One idea I had was:

  • insert exactly one anchor tag, within a div styled as display:none;.
  • invoke pinit.js, which results in the magic replacement of that anchor tag, and the loading of a new iframe. It is invisible, because it still resides in the invisible div.
  • run some additional JS logic to inspect the URL on the src attribute for the generated iframe, saving the hostname for the pinterest CDN.
  • ?

I can then generate the "normalized" URLs for the pinterest CDN, but... if I simply use them as src for an iframe my logic generates, then I have the same problem with excessive GETs. All I have done is eliminated the successive calls to pinit.js (which is cacheable anyway).

Has anyone confronted this?

I have to believe this design is going to change - it seems not scalable for pinterest the way it works now.


I read elsewhere that pinterest provides an "asynchronous" mechanism for "pin it" buttons on a page, suitable for use when there are lots of "pin it" buttons. Not sure what that is; I couldn't find it.

1 Answer 1


I am answering my own question.

I looked but could not find any detailed doc from pinterest that describes how to approach this problem. I think their API is simply too new, too immature to cover this.

The problem I found was that for each "pin it" button, there was a single IFRAME, and that iframe loaded source from the pinterest CDN. 10 images meant 10 iframes and 10 HTTP GETs.

I did find a way to insert a single button on a webpage that allows a user to pin any of the 10 images. This was via the pinmarklet.js script, provided by pinterest. But, that script didn't work for me, and it had several bugs, so I modified it to suit my purposes.

Now when I click a "pin it" button, it fills only one IFRAME, requires just one HTTP GET, regardless of how many photos are available on a page. The UI looks like this:

enter image description here

...although you could make it anything you like, I guess.

What problems did I fix?

The pinmarklet was

(a) kludgy. It defined an anonymous script, and a page would need to re-request the JS every time it needed to popup the pinterest interaction form. No need for that. Let's just do it once.

(b) broken. There were several bugs, including a race condition in the code that tries to determine the natural size of an image. Because of that bug, the pinmarklet form would not show, sometimes. Lame!

I modified the code to fix these things, and it works well now, for me.


  • There is no need to edit Pinterest's JS. Check out the linked question and/or this Feb 10, 2014 at 0:57
  • There is a need to edit the JS if you want to avoid the race condition I mentioned. But maybe pinterest has fixed this problem in the 2 years since I answered this question. It's quite possible.
    – Cheeso
    Feb 19, 2014 at 2:14

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