I would like to write a batch file that runs the cmd line " lame.exe [options] [infile] [outfile]" on a folder of .wav files.

something like

FOR %%f IN (dir *.wav) DO (lame.exe -V0 -h %%f.wav %%f.mp3)

of course that's wrong but...how do I generate the correct [infile] [outfile] arguments for this?

2 Answers 2


I tried the above, and got all kinds of syntax errors. The problem happens if you have spaces in your file names. Thus, this would be a more generally useful batch file:

for %%i in (*.wav) do "D:\yourdir\lame.exe" -V 6 --vbr-old --resample 22.05 "%%i" "%%~ni.mp3"

Note, in my example I'm also using lower quality for compressing audiobook files for minimum size, and so I can drop the batch file in my wav folder, I put the full path to lame negating the need to set a path environment variable. The key change is quotes around the filename arguments.

  • I =1'd this because wrapping w/quotes is indeed what I ended up doing. Thanks!
    – Mambo4
    Apr 17, 2012 at 16:09

Try this:

for %%i in (C:\Wavs\*.wav) do lame.exe -V0 -h %%i %%~nI.mp3

Just replace C:\Wavs with your path.

  • I adpated something similar form another .bat: for %%f in (*.wav) do c:\progra~2\lame\lame.exe -V0 -h "%%f" "%%f.mp3" but it generates inputfile.wav.mp3, which is messy. can i get it to change %%f into from inputfile.wav to inputfile.mp3?
    – Mambo4
    Mar 23, 2012 at 17:23
  • The %%~ni returns the filename without the extension, then you can add the extension you want on the end.
    – Bali C
    Mar 23, 2012 at 19:31

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