I have a function in view.py which returns two variables i.e. a dictionary named ca and a list named categories:

def eventcateg_detail(request):
    ca = EventTypeCategory.objects.values()
    categories =[]
    for i in range(0, len(ca)):
       pk_sub = ca[i]['sub_categ_id']
       if (pk_sub!=None):
          category = EventTypeCategory.objects.get(id = pk_sub)
          category = category.name
    return render(request,"events/categ.html",{
      'obj': ca,
      'categ' :categories

categ returns:

[u'Critical in list', u'Information in list', u'Amit Pal in list']

My categ.html is:

        <tr><th>{% trans "Name Category" %}</th><th>{% trans " Message" %}</th><th>{% trans "Sub-categories" %}</th></tr>
    {% for obj in obj %}

            <td>{{ obj.name }}</td><td> {{ obj.Message_slug }}</td><td></td>

    {% endfor %}

My output should be:

Event Category  Event Message   Sub-categories
Critical            critical    critical in list
Information         information information in list
Amit Pal            amit-pal    amit pal in list

Sub categories contain the data coming from the list. I am getting Event Category (using obj.name) and Event Message (using obj.Message_slug) right but I'm not able to find any way to put sub-categories also in the same td and the same for loop (look at the template).

  • 2
    Anonymous down-voters, why the hate? This is not a bad question.
    – cha0site
    Mar 26, 2012 at 12:49

1 Answer 1


I would suggest that you look at this: Django, category and subcategories

This will probably require some changes to your model but will simplify your code a lot.


I will answer your first question then :)

You can nest for loops so in your case:

    <tr><th>{% trans "Name Category" %}</th><th>{% trans " Message" %}</th><th>{% trans "Sub-categories" %}</th></tr>
{% for obj in obj %}

        <td>{{ obj.name }}</td><td> {{ obj.Message_slug }}</td>
            {% for i in categ %}
                  {{ i }}
            {% endfor %}

{% endfor %}

However! The above code points to a weakness in your eventcateg_detail method. The list that you create does not tell which parent-category the list item belongs to so for each parent object all items will be printed.

If you know that there will always be a one-to-one relationship and there will always be one child only you can create a dictionary instead

Also, I believe that your initial code can be simplified:

def eventcateg_detail(request):
        ca = EventTypeCategory.objects.all()
        categories ={}
        for cat in ca:
            if cat.sub_categ_id:

               #Since the ca queryset already contains all items you can use that to get the child category
               category = ca.objects.get(id=cat.sub_categ_id)

               #Add to dictionary. NOTE: If you ever get more than one sub-category 
               #you need to build a list of sub-categories before adding it to the dict.
               categories[cat.id] = category.name
        return render(request,"events/categ.html",{ 'obj': ca, 'categ' :categories})

In your template you do this:

     <th>{% trans "Name Category" %}</th>
     <th>{% trans " Message" %}</th><th>{% trans "Sub-categories" %}</th>
{% for o in obj %}
    <td>{{ o.name }}</td><td> {{ o.Message_slug }}</td>
        {% for key, value in categ.items %}
              {% ifequal key o.id %}
               {{ value }}
              {% endifequal %}
        {% endfor %}


{% endfor %}

  • Thanks for giving reply. but my question is different from that one. I am not able to find out ow put a list between already a for loop
    – Amit Pal
    Mar 26, 2012 at 13:42
  • Can you be more specific about how that answer is not working for your question? Right off hand it looks like a good answer to me, so perhaps there's something we're missing about your requirement.
    – rossdavidh
    Mar 26, 2012 at 14:37
  • I have tried to guess what you are after. See my update above.
    – Mikael
    Mar 26, 2012 at 14:58

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