I am storing a list of Messages in my database (so that if I crash I will not lose them).

But when I pull them out, I need to pull them out in chunks and in order.

What I am looking for is a query that will give me the top x rows until column IsWeirdMessage = 1.

So, assuming I have a table that looks like this:

CREATE TABLE MyMessages(MessageId bigint IDENTITY(1,1),
    MyMessage varchar(100), IsWeirdMessage bit)

INSERT INTO MyMessages(MyMessage, IsWeirdMessage)
SELECT 'SomeValue1', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 'SomeValue2', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 'SomeValue3', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 'SomeValue3', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 'SomeValue4', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 'SomeValue5', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 'WeirdThingHere', 1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'SomeValue7', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 'SomeValue8', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 'SomeValue9', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 'OtherWeirdStuff', 1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'SomeValue11', 0  

How could I craft a query that will get me SomeValue1 through SomeValue5 (in order), keying off of IsWeirdMessage?


3 Answers 3


Something like this should do it:

select * from MyMessages
where messageid > @MessageID
and messageid <=
  (select min(messageid) from MyMessages
   where IsWeirdMessage = 1 and messageid > @MessageID)
order by messageid

Where the @MessageID is the value of the last weird message you retrieved. You would start with 0 to get the first batch, then 7 to get the second batch, etc.

Demo: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!3/10336/9

  • 1
    Thanks for the answer! Also thanks for showing me SQLFiddle. That is very nice!
    – Vaccano
    Mar 29, 2012 at 16:14
SELECT m.MessageID, m.MyMessage
FROM dbo.MyMessages AS m
  SELECT 1 FROM dbo.MyMessages AS m2
  WHERE IsWeirdMessage = 1 
  AND m2.MessageID < m.MessageID
  • Thanks for the answer! I went with Mellamokb's solution because it ended up doing index seeks in my actual tables. Your solution was great, but it was doing index scans.
    – Vaccano
    Mar 29, 2012 at 16:15
  • To be fair, you didn't tell us your index structure. Did the queries perform differently, or did you just see a scan and assume it was worse? Often a range scan is hiding behind what looks like an index seek. Mar 29, 2012 at 21:08
  • True, I did not. (I did not think it would matter) Both answers were very good (and really performed well). I had to find something (however very small) to pick one over the other... As for Range Scans behind Index Seeks... That makes me nervous. I have never heard of that. But the actual performance (time to run) of both was close enough in this case.
    – Vaccano
    Mar 29, 2012 at 21:17
select b.*
    (   select
            row_number() over (order by (select 1)) as PartitionId
            ,isnull((select max(t.MessageId) from MyMessages t where t.MessageId < tb.MessageId and t.IsWeirdMessage = 1), 0) as StartID
            ,tb.MessageId as EndId
        from MyMessages tb
        where IsWeirdMessage = 1
        union all
        select count(case when IsWeirdMessage = 1 then MessageId else null end) + 1
            ,max(case when IsWeirdMessage = 1 then MessageId else 0 end)
            ,max(messageId) + 1
        from MyMessages
    ) as a
    cross apply 
    (   select * from MyMessages b
            b.MessageId > a.StartID
            and b.MessageId < a.EndID
    ) as b
where a.PartitionId = @PartID

where the @PartID is identifier of Partition that you want to choose

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