Lets say that I have two strings:

  1. "The System is in halt state."

  2. "The System is in [A] state."

Is it possible to find the difference between the two strings ,I need both [A] and halt as output.

As of now i'm splitting every word and check for the match.

Is there any better way...?

  • Similar question (and answer) can be found here
    – JleruOHeP
    Mar 30, 2012 at 5:30

3 Answers 3


string a = "The System is in halt state."; string b = "The System is in [A] state.";

        var vardiff =( a.Split(new char[] { ' ' }).Except(b.Split(new char[] { ' ' }))).ToList<string>();
        var vardiff1 = (b.Split(new char[] { ' ' }).Except(a.Split(new char[] { ' ' }))).ToList<string>();
  • will it not fail if the 2nd line is "The System is in [A] Marina state." ?
    – Dhananjay
    Mar 30, 2012 at 6:31

Check this out:Diff Algorithm

Also: Longest common subsequence

There is also an implementation described here: sample code

  • ganeeesh. pathutaen da,, i have used Longest common sub sequence logic dhan da.. Is there any Regular Expression ?..
    – gout
    Mar 30, 2012 at 5:38

Really, the question isn't entirely clear on what you mean by "difference". Is it simply the number of characters that are the same, or a more heuristic way of comparing unmatched strings?

One algorithm you might want to explore is the Approximate String Comparisons Using Levenshtein Distance.

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