I am trying to pupulate a listbox with entries of an object which comes from a wcf service I basically send a request for a group and I receive an array of groups that match the request. however I managed just to display the name of the object rather thna its content.

any idea? I have might missed the obvious but cannot really spot it.

        int i = 1;
        GroupServiceClient client = new GroupServiceClient("WSHttpBinding_IGroupService");
        www.test.co.uk.User.user User = new www.test.co.uk.User.user();
        www.test.co.uk.programme.programme Group = new www.test.co.uk.programme.programme();
        www.test.co.uk.programme.programme[] Groups = new www.test.co.uk.programme.programme[i];

        DateTime time = DateTime.Now;

        Group.number = Convert.ToString(textBox1.Text);
        client.GetGroups(ref time, Group);

        GroupArrayMessage toReturn = new GroupArrayMessage();
        toReturn.groups = Groups;

        listBox1.ItemsSource = Groups.ToString(); ;

2 Answers 2

listBox1.ItemsSource = Groups;       // no .ToString()
listBox1.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; // should be a Group property
  • 1
    Thanks but I don't have the function DisplayMember in the listBox1 Mar 30, 2012 at 11:49
  • Thanks again still nothing, if I reverse back toString it returns back www.test.co.uk.programme.programme[] a character per each line. Mar 30, 2012 at 12:24
  • Can you describe "nothing" ? Maybe you need a ToList() , but certainly not a ToString() Mar 30, 2012 at 13:13
  • 1
    The listbox remains blank, whereas if I try with wcftestclient I get the list of groups, so I know that the back end is fine. Mar 30, 2012 at 13:27
  • Use the Debugger and/or Output Window. Mar 30, 2012 at 14:34

First You can't use Group.ToString() because ItemSource Property of any ItemControl accept only list kind of object

So Use

listBox1.ItemSource = Groups;

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