I saw a piece of Scala code with manifest syntax as follows. I do not know what WireFormat means here. What constraint does it add to the Manifest A? Does it mean the type A must extends the trait WireFormat?

I could not find any document about such syntax.

trait WireFormat[A] {
  def toWire(x: A, out: DataOutput)
  def fromWire(in: DataInput): A

class DList[A : Manifest : WireFormat]
  • 2
    Read it as takes an A such that there's a Manifest and a WireFormat context for A. Apr 1, 2012 at 16:43

1 Answer 1


It is a context bound. With two types separated by colons it just means there are two implicit parameters.

In other words it's the same as:

class DList[A](implicit x: Manifest[A], y: WireFormat[A])

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