i have created a forum using php/mysql and users login through facebook using php sdk. the login works perfectly. the logout however does not. I have not tried the javascript sdk and it is supposted to work . but i need a solution in PHP.

Here are the two things that i have tried.

//this is signout .php



//this is signout.php

$ACCESS_TOKEN=$facebook->getAccessToken(); $REDIRECT='http://localhost/php_lessons/forum_facebook/logout_page.php';


both the solutions take me to facebook/home.php of the user that is trying to logout. (me for test purposes).

3 Answers 3


The logout problem is because of a recent Facebook API change – ‘offline_access Permission Removal’.

Disable the ‘Deprecate offline access’ setting from Edit App > Advanced > Migrations tab

You can read more about it at: http://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/offline-access-removal/

  • thanks a lot. it works. but i still dont understand what the article says.
    – user1308359
    Apr 13, 2012 at 10:49
$past = time() - 3600;
foreach ( $_COOKIE as $key => $value )
    setcookie( $key, $value, $past, '/' );

you can try this code. It will just destroy all cookies saved from your site. Its working for me..!


Use getLogoutUrl without the array.


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