Linked Questions

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Get Parameter From URL in JSP [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to get parameters from the URL with JSP Help please! I want to extract sessid from "http://111.0000.0000.0000/2-abc-xyz?sessid=32323232-232322323" using JSP .
Ravi Kasaudhan's user avatar
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Passing parameters from jsp page to java class without using servlets [duplicate]

Example: If I have a link How do I extract these parameters a=1,b=2 & c=3 and pass it to my java class without using servlets.
suyog sadar's user avatar
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What does "?" tag while calling jsp mean? [duplicate]

show-product.jsp?id=HC what will show-product.jsp get? And how can I reach those values in jsp file? How to get parameters from the URL with JSP
Iraklius's user avatar
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How to retrieve an integer URL parameter with JSP? [duplicate]

What is the correct way in jsp to retrieve a integer parameter from an url? I need to make sure it's an integer to avoid possible XSS issues, as it's directly inserted in a Spring message i18n and ...
BobJI's user avatar
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7 answers

How to avoid using scriptlets in my JSP page?

I've been told that the use of scriptlets (<%= ... %>) in my JSP pages isn't such a great idea. Can someone with a bit more java/jsp experience please give me some pointers as to how to change ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 votes
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Cannot resolve method getParameter() in JSP

I'm building a small project in JSP. I want to take data from a HTML sign up form and save them to a database. But my IDE (intellij) won't allow me to do so because of the error in the title. Does ...
Marios Koni's user avatar
2 votes
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Expression language, don't show variable value

I am pretty new in Java EE, i am trying use that .war file , but it seems index.jsp file doesn't show variable, I see only ${} ${thr.state} ${...
dieeying's user avatar
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retrieve the data passed using .load() (of jquery: ajax) in a jsp

I want to retrieve the value of a parameter on the requested JSP called with ajax. I pass the data as: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".button-links").click(function(){ var; ...
kunal18's user avatar
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How can you pass in a value from a database on one jsp page to another jsp page?

On one page I displayed a table from my database and the user chooses a department. Based on that option the next page will display the items within that department. Is there a way that you can pass ...
minionhacking's user avatar
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Dynamically create url in jsp file

So I have a jsp file and inside this file I want to dynamically generate the url to a new jsp file. How do I do this? If I simply write <a href="newfile.jsp"> " Click here" </a>, and ...
user1782677's user avatar
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Insert statement in sql with one field set as autonumber

I am having three columns in my table branch i.e id(Autonumber),code(text),desc(text).I am trying to execute this sql insert into branch(code,desc) values('"+b+"','"+c+"')"; which gives me error ...
Saumyaraj's user avatar
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Sending two attributes in Servlet RequestDispatcher

I am uploading an image through Servlet. try{ //Image Upload Code } catch(Exception e){ //Exception Handler } finally { request.setAttribute("job-id", jobId); request.setAttribute("...
rupinderjeet's user avatar
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How to get URL parameter at JSP and put it to hidden input using Liferay 7

I want to get parameter from URL and set it as value to hidden input. I tried it like I did when I used Servlet API. It doesn't work. (value=0). Also I checked this answer. And nothing helped. Also I ...
Serg Shapoval's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

EL expressions are not evaluated in JBoss AS 4.2.2

EL expressions are not evaluated in JBoss AS 4.2.2. I have web.xml declared conform the Servlet 2.4 spec. <web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.4" xmlns="" xmlns:...
user797649's user avatar
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ModelAndView doesn't return data to JSP

I'm trying to send the data to JSP from Controller using ModelAndView. But it doesn't show.. What am I missing? Do I have to do something more? This is my Controller. import javax.servlet.http....
Heesun Kim's user avatar

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