Linked Questions

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1 answer

CakePHP executes .ctp file twice [duplicate]

I am using CakePhp to build an application that interfaces with the Linkedin API. I have a simple page that is given a linkedin members ID in a GET variable and Application Authentication token in a ...
pyro70's user avatar
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223 votes
22 answers

How to fix favicon.ico error: "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE"

I downloaded the Netbeans IDE to code in HTML. When I run my code, chrome is opening and everything is working just fine. I'm getting some sort of error in the Output - Browser Log. Failed to load ...
Rockstar5645's user avatar
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45 votes
17 answers

Page_Load is firing twice in ASP.NET page page_load function is loading twice.. hence it affects my page performance. Does anyone know the reason it is loading twice. No, iam not calling the page load function anywhere...
Goutham's user avatar
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52 votes
14 answers

What to do with chrome sending extra requests?

Google chrome sends multiple requests to fetch a page, and that's -apparently- not a bug, but a feature. And we as developers just have to deal with it. As far as I could dig out in five minutes, ...
Cg Alive's user avatar
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6 answers

Controller actions being called twice --- Php application

I'm new around so if I'm missing some info or something, please let me know and I'll provide it. I've already looked for informationg regarding this error, but I haven't found anything relevant yet. ...
IWannaLearn's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Google AdSense JavaScript causing multiple page-loads?

Update Ok - I now know where the multiple page loads are coming from! (However, the mystery is not yet solved). It seems that immediately after a request is made to a page containing AdSense ads, ...
2 votes
3 answers

What could be the reason to hit page_load more than once

When I click the Button I am loading one page. i am having some controls in the page_load. but the problem is my page_load is hitting more than once. Please can any body explain me what could be the ...
Sandy's user avatar
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method firing twice during pageload in

I know such questions are asked already on SO, and i also went through most of them but no one satisfied me, so i am posting mine one. Attached is my code. actually i am building a jquery gallery from ...
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how Prevent Twice Page_Load Running - Page.IsPostBack Is always false

in a strange situation my page_Load Runs twice and all of my codes are in page_Load. i can not use Page.IsPostBac because in both of Page_Loads, it is false. but what is strange situation ? i have a ...
SilverLight's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

CodeIgniter increments/counts page views twice, not once

I am simply trying to increment the amount of page views per visit with CodeIgniter's active record. For some reason, the following code is incrementing twice. So it adds 2 page views per visit. What ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 answers

Chrome loading script twice when manually typing url to move to next page

I am having a bizarre issue that I'm thinking may be a Chrome bug or possibly a bug with Visual Studio. My script is getting loaded twice. To verify the issue I created a test script that sets a ...
KingOfHypocrites's user avatar
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Rails action being called multiple times per request

I have a controller action that's being called three times per browser request. Any ideas? config/routes.rb and application_controller.rb are totally straightforward. Code below, config/routes.rb ...
sambecker's user avatar
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5 answers

Pageload event occures twice in page

I am facing very strange issue , that in one of my page pageload event handled 2 times , there is no any code that will make this 2nd pageload, what should be the problem with this page, please give ...
Arun Rana's user avatar
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3 answers

codeigniter email->send being send twice

i am using codeigniter 2 with the tank_auth library. in the model named user_model it has an function (_send_email()) to send an email: function _send_email($type, $email, &$data) { $this->...
This_is_me's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

MVC action called twice (only in chrome)

I'm wondering why a simple test action is called twice when browsed in chrome. I am aware of the issue when its caused by img tags etc. But I have reproduced the issue using a simple (empty markup) ...
Kevin's user avatar
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