Linked Questions

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How should I set up my repositories on Windows without SSH?

I have git running on Windows without a problem, but I'm ready to set up my live server, and I have the following issue. I don't have SSH or a work-around set up. Therefore, I can't simply create a ...
Shayna's user avatar
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Using GIT on local server and local PC

I'm trying GIT and i ran into an issue. I have my local machine (let's call it MAC) and a server (let's call it SERVER). It's a local server, I access it through an alias in my desktop. I want to ...
angelod1as's user avatar
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How to use/do coding on a same web application between two people

We are a two man team working on a same c#, .net web application. Now everytime we do anything we have to merge our files. Also we can not work on same files together. We know we can use a source safe ...
user1254053's user avatar
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Android source code submit patch

I want add a patch for android source code. Have downloaded the code after the instruction from: After that i follow the steps in: http://source....
Oscar's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to merge two branches and, automatically, ignore specific files/folders?

I have a MEAN stack project separated into two branches: Ionic and Node. The Ionic branch have all Ionic related files/folder. The front-end is created here to serve mobiles and web devices. But the ...
Rodmentou's user avatar
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Git: What is the best way to pull a remote branch? [closed]

This sounds a very simple question about git however the reason I am asking this is because I've faced some issues/troubles when tried to pull a remote branch. My colleague created a branch called ...
brunodd's user avatar
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moving Laravel project between computers

I have been working on a laravel5 project on a computer , but now I want to continue on an other, but don't know how :( I'm using wampserver and the project is in the "www" folder, this is the ...
C.elkhadir's user avatar
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Combine different Android Studio projects

I'm developing an app using android studio with my friend, but Im coding in my house, and he is coding in his house. We want to 'combine' both projects fragments (I will create some screens and code, ...
Anderson's user avatar
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Adding git repository using terminal [duplicate]

I'm studying managing git system, but actually need a set of instructions, how exactly could i add a repository to my github account (through terminal)? That may sound obvious for many of you, but I'm ...
Evgeniy Kleban's user avatar
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How to backup an AOSP project on GitHub

I have an Android project composed of AOSP, and other code in an Ubuntu environment. As you know, I used git and its associated tool repo to download AOSP according to the procedures on android source ...
user3326293's user avatar
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Git: Multiple projects under one directory

I have a question regarding how to best organize the following using Git. I have multiple java and scala projects that are part of one effort. I would like to have the following structure: /repos ...
user3803714's user avatar
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How do I create my own Git branch to work on?

My goal - to branch of from our development branch to be able to work on it separately. I was quickly shown how to do this as: Open git shell or powershell/cmd and navigate to the folder where the ...
VSO's user avatar
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understand git tag and checkout options

all I have been asked to clone a repository hosted on cloud server using ssh onto our local server..I did that using "git clone ssh://server path "..once i do this., I see .git folder created and all ...
shan's user avatar
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5 answers

Setup Git-server on windows computer [closed]

How can I setup GIT server On-Premise on windows machine, so it is accessible privately, only from local network. Note that, I want to run GIT as server, not as Network Share. Article in GIT ...
Batto's user avatar
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12 votes
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Browse list of tagged releases in a repo?

I'm trying to checkout OpenSSL 1.0.2a (and not Master). OpenSSL has tagged releases, and I'm trying to browse them to determine what the actual name is. I know they have 1.0.0, 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 (but ...
jww's user avatar
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