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How to set focus at the end of textbox while typing?

I have a textbox with a live search function. It is working all good except one problem. If I type any characters on it, it just loses its focus. If I set textbox.Focus(), the cursor goes at the ...
warang's user avatar
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set cursor position in textarea at end once user clicked on textarea [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Javascript: Move caret to last character I am working on text area using jquery, to provide good UI validation. Currently I stuck at - Once user click in text area I want to ...
pravin's user avatar
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tagging user with @

I'm currently building a @user tagging system. I have almost got it working with one little thing I can't get my head around. I know what the problem is, just can't think how I could rectify it. So ...
dave's user avatar
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Maintain textbox cursor after postback

i want to change the label value same as textbox while i entering a character. so here got a question?How can i maintain the textbox cursor after the postback ?For example i type 'ab'. The textbox ...
user998405's user avatar
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How to move cursor to next/previous word in textarea?

How would you move the cursor to the next or previous word in a textarea using Javascript? I'm trying to replicate the Emacs commands "forward one word" and "back one word" in an HTML textarea. I can ...
Henry Boldizsar's user avatar
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How to place cursor at the end of text in div tag with contenteditable

There's a lot of solution around here to place cursor at the end of text for input or textbox tag. Use JavaScript to place cursor at end of text in text input element jQuery Textbox Cursor to end ...
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Cursor position in an editable div with a :before pseudo-element

I have an editable div with :before and :after css pseudo-elements. The :before sets a prompt in the div The :after acts like a placeholder When the user clicks in an empty div, the cursor is placed ...
PeterB's user avatar
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<span> breaking line after second line

Code: Javascript: $(document).ready(function () { $(".addTag").click(function () { $('.questao').html($('.questao').html() + '&nbsp;<span ...
Kauê Gimenes's user avatar
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Set cursor position at the beginning of the line

I know his question has been answered in the site, but i have some conflict with my current code that i've used. (find it below) I have default value in my text filed "" and i set ...
Amir's user avatar
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jQuery focus cursor after the value in firefox

I am doing a jQuery focus on a text field. In Chrome and IE the cursor starts after the value but in firefox it starts befoe the value. How do I make it so it starts after the value in firefox? ...
sephiith's user avatar
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Weird syntax for extending jQuery

I recently saw this code on another post ( jQuery Set Cursor Position in Text Area ) new function($) { $.fn.setCursorPosition = function(pos) { // function body omitted, not relevant to ...
Brad Robinson's user avatar
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HTML <p> tag always steals cursor from input field

I want a <p> tag (or a label might be correct actually) to appear behind an input field so that I can show the active caret on the input field and then hide the absolutely positioned <p> ...
captainill's user avatar
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jquery how append text to text area while typing

I need to add a static text to textarea while typing. var text= " my text"; $("#myInput").keydown(function() { $("#myInput").val(this.value + text); }); The above code adds " my text" to ...
user3351236's user avatar
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Move caret right after input in contenteditable when caret is inside the input at the end of it

I am having this problem. I am inserting input elements in a contenteditable div. The caret is in the input at the last position. I would like some help how to move the cursor right after that input ...
Michail Michailidis's user avatar
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How to place cursor at the beginning of input box using with jquery inputmask?

I have an input that I used with jquery inputmask. It works well, but what I want to do is to place the cursor to the beginning of the input box as the user click on the input box. Here is my input ...
Tum Lina's user avatar
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