Questions tagged [adaptive-bitrate]

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10 votes
4 answers

how to play mpd file

. I am trying to understand how mpd file plays and i am referring to the following data set:
3 votes
1 answer

Mp4 to dynamic adaptive hls with multiple bitrates using ffmpeg

I tried converting mp4 video to HLS for online streaming which I have successfully done using FFmpeg. Command: ffmpeg -i /var/www/html/file_conversion/heli.mp4 -map 0 -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -...
0 votes
1 answer

HLS streaming, advices about segment size configuration

we are developing a mobile application which will need to play 10 seconds videos. The first version will only support iOS (iPhone & iPad). To have a good quality on all devices we will use ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to configure adaptive bitrate in VLC-android

Im trying to build using Android Studio and I was successful in doing that and able to play a youtube video using it. However I have noticed that the playback ...
0 votes
0 answers

In Dash manifest, how to insert duration into the segmentTemplate or pass the segment duration in segment requests?

Take the following SegmentTemplate as an example with varying sizes of segments. <SegmentTemplate timescale="30000" media="155_video_1_2_$Time$.mp4?m=1545421124" initialization=&...
0 votes
0 answers

Why isn't the quality option being included in video.js?

For a couple of hours I've been trying to get video.js to display the quality option just like YouTube for adaptive bitrate streaming, yet every option I've tried has resulted in error. I'm using ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I create a constant/min framerate in a webRTC video?

I want to maintain a minimum frame rate of 20 FPS. If the network is slow, it should degrade the image quality to always maintain 20fps. I don't want a tradeoff between resolution and FPS, I only want ...
1 vote
1 answer

ffmpeg bitrate 10% bigger than requested

I have an ffmpeg script. I request -b:v:0 1000k but get the output BANDWIDTH=1100000 in my master playlist - I was expecting BANDWIDTH=1000000 As you can see there are no audio streams. Why is the ...
0 votes
0 answers

how to add dynamic urls (s3 presigned url) in dash.mpd file?

I have generated the dash.mpd file using python-ffmpeg-video-streaming python module. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <MPD xmlns:xsi="
0 votes
1 answer

Nginx Rtmp Module - How to check resolution when pushing rtmp stream to server before redirecting stream to another application?

I have a problem when developing a livestream system with nginx-rtmp-module . I have consulted some systems, there is a function that when pushing the rtmp stream, the livestream systems can recognize ...
0 votes
1 answer

Samsung Tizen AVPlayer error when playing HLS stream

I started working on a new IPTV app and AVPlayer cannot open my HLS live streams in specific. I tested the player with other HLS stream samples and they worked fine. also .mp4 videos from the same ...
2 votes
0 answers

How does WebRTC determine when to resize a video based on adaptive bitrate?

Can someone help me understand how WebRTC determines when to adjust the size of a video steam based on bitrate? I'm looking for a slightly lower level description than what I can find with a basic ...
1 vote
1 answer

Disable adaptive HLS streams based on number of current users

I'm planning to build an HTTP Live Streaming server, using NGINX and RTMP module, that uses also FFmpeg to encode the incoming stream into different bitrate levels, enabling adaptive bitrate for the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Use FFmpeg to create MPEG-DASH files

I know using ffmpeg, we can create MPEG-DASH ready files, including the segments and the .mpd manifest file. For instance, I'm trying this command which works: ffmpeg -re -i .\video-h264.mkv -map 0 -...
0 votes
0 answers

Issues with playing MPEG-DASH MPD file

I have built a simple mpeg-dash player using exoplayer API in Android. It reads and plays this MPD file. But can't play the following MPD file generated by FFmpeg: ffmpeg -re -i .\video-h264.mkv -map ...
1 vote
0 answers

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR)

How does an "Adaptive Bit Rate Streaming" works? For instance, how does Netflix or Youtube manages to continue playing the video from that very timestamp with a different resolution? How do ...
1 vote
0 answers

Get bitrate estimate with ExoPlayer Android API

I have the following code that uses ExoPlayer 2.4.0 API that simply plays a MPEG-DASH video. As I understand it, based on the estimated bandwidth, it selects the right track. But whenever I run it, it ...
0 votes
1 answer

One video variant on MPEG DASH generated with AWS MediaConverter

I've produced an.MDP using MediaConverter, which has the following video streams <AdaptationSet mimeType="video/mp4" frameRate="30/1" segmentAlignment="true" ...
1 vote
0 answers

Shaka Player does not adapt bitrate

We're using Shaka player with the default configuration and it's good - but I'm not seeing any adaption into lower bitrates and still seeing buffering. We're also getting a pause at the start where it ...
2 votes
0 answers

Exo player 2.8.2 always starts with lo bandwidth stream

I have an android app where using exoplayer 2.8.2 for playing HLS streams. It's working with adaptive bit rate but it always starts with the lowest stream instead of a higher stream even on a very ...
2 votes
1 answer

ReactJs - unable to get all resolutions from master m3u8 using videojs

I'm currently using ReactJS & Video Js for playing VOD m3u8 files. Video player is unable to get all resolutions from the master.m3u8 manifest. Any help would be highly appreciated. Here is my ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to generate hex strings for ClearKey DRM

I want to encode my content using clearkeys. I am using DASH protocol. I know how to encrypt and play encrypted content. My question is how do I generate those keys so that I can bring up my own clear ...
0 votes
0 answers

HLS streaming and bandwidth efficiency

I am observing when playing a HLS playlist that the player will go ahead and download the entire content as soon as it can rather then get segments just in time or perhaps only 2 or 3 ahead. This is a ...
4 votes
2 answers

Strategy for adaptive Streaming consistent across majority browsers and Devices

I have researched a lot regarding the current state of Video streaming and playing on the web. I am posting the things i have summarized and the strategy i think i should follow to support adaptive ...
1 vote
0 answers

HLS : Seameless playback at discontinuity marker on Safari

My application does editing of an HLS input. I alter certain segments. I replace the original segments with these altered segments into the media manifest and #EXT_X_DISCONTINUITY markers added before ...
0 votes
1 answer

bitrate quality level for specific device

I'm looking mediaconvert service from aws to transcode videos. The value I'm trying to set just now is quality level (QL) for QVBR, according with this it could depends on the platform, for example ...
4 votes
2 answers

Does Android support HLS Adaptive Bitrate Streaming

I'm trying to implement adaptive bit-rate streaming in my app that automatically switch the quality depending on the connection speed. How could I achieve this. Is there is any third party library ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Changing bitrate of audio file before uploading using Javascript

Implementing file uploads with different bitrates, compressing them into different qualities and then uploading. Is there a way this could be achieved using javascript ? (Audio file format is mp3)
1 vote
1 answer

How do I calculate optimal dimensions and bitrate for displaying a video on an iPhone?

I'm currently developing a mobile app that will have a library of 2-5 minute videos (approx 100 in total) and going through the process of determining which versions of the videos to have ready to ...
2 votes
0 answers

Why Exoplayer 2.x is not switching to lower bitrates on low network during adaptive playback?

We are using exoplayer v2.x and are playing a HLS file which has 4 bitrate tracks. When we configure exoplayer for adaptive playback, it is starting with a higher bitrate track but NOT switching ...
2 votes
0 answers

MP4Box - create single MPD files with multiple videos

I am working on a problem where I have to play multiple videos, one after another using DASH. I do not want them to be combined into one MP4. Each video (each represenatation) has its own segment file ...
1 vote
2 answers

How does an Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) client keep track of segments?

When an ABR client switches from one bitrate to another, how does it know which is the next segment to fetch specially if the segment names are not indicative of any order? e.g. Lets say, segment 1 ...
11 votes
2 answers

Exoplayer adaptive hls streaming

I am looking for good and simple example/explanation how to implement ExoPlayer for HLS Adaptive streaming. I am a newbie and do not have experience and knowledge so I can figure how to do this from ...
1 vote
0 answers

NO bit stream picker in video js for HLS

i am trying to run HLS manifest with .m3u8 extension in video.js which runs smooth with my code i was wondering if there is any way to extract bit-streams and show them on control bar of ...
0 votes
3 answers

Mpeg-dash code integration with videoJs player

I am using videoJs player to play videos , i need to know is there any support for mpeg-dash in videoJS ? ..I referred this link
0 votes
2 answers

Change Video Bitrate In Exoplayer 2.x

I tried to make a streaming app with ExoPlayer2.x . Now I got stuck in a problem. I am trying to make a Bitrate Changer. I don't want to use TrackSelector. I just want to use a method to change ...
0 votes
1 answer

Change order of mpd segments

Is there a way to successfully change the order of the segments after their creation and the MPD? Simply changing the order in the MPD doesn't work as the video player gets a strange behavior. I'm ...
2 votes
1 answer

Creating m3u8 file that points to other m3u8 files

I'm looking to create a m3u8 file that points to other m3u8 files based on bandwidth, something like this #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:4 #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:7 #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:4 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:...
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1 answer

What are the benefits of using multi resolution videos in adaptive bitrate streaming?

Why is it recommended to transcode videos with high resolution for high bitrate and low resolution for low bitrate? Why we should not use high video resolution for both high and low bitrates?
2 votes
1 answer

Video URL streams with multiple audio and text tracks/streams?

I am testing capability to switch between different audio or text tracks in a given stream (adaptive stream like HLS/Smooth/Dash). Could someone please provide sample video URLs with multiple audio ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to set dash.js-2.6.1 video player to play just on a specific bitrate without using the related check box on player's control bar?

I want to control dash.js-2.6.1 video player remotely so that I could make it play the video at a specific bitrate from the bitrate list it catches from (*.mpd) manifest file. It's obvious that this ...
-1 votes
2 answers

SMIL adaptive streaming in Videojs

What is required to use SMIL file to utilize adaptive streaming in a videojs player. I have created the SMIL file in my wowza application and it is creating my 4 separate streams and making them ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is there any quick way to generate multi bitrate DASH & HLS streams from a video file?

I've used that generates dash & hls streams I want. But, I don't want a cloud service. I need to generate those streams locally on my machine. A utility or shell script that takes ...
6 votes
1 answer

Does WebRTC support Adaptive Bitrate Streaming for video?

I am using WebRTC for developing one of my applications. There is no clarity on whether WebRTC natively supports adaptive bitrate streaming of video packets? Does VP8 / VP9 have adaptive bitrate ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to play only specific bitrate with dash js audio player?

I am using dash.js library and achieving Adaptive bitrate with DASH protocol for my audio player. I am facing issue in one of the case, when instead of changing bit rate adaptively, I want to be it ...
2 votes
1 answer

Adaptive Bitrate streaming for Audio files with AWS services

I want to play audio file from AWS S3 cloud with cloudfront CDN. Now I want to play audio with adaptive bitrate streaming. I guess, AWS Elastic Transcoder can be used to generate different stream. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Best approach to convert existing video files into mpeg-dash

We have over 50MM videos with an average of 3 different resolution e.g 240, 360 etc. It is time for us to move to Dynamic Adaptive Streaming or Mpeg-Dash. At the moment our biggest challenge is ...
1 vote
0 answers

ios 9 SKVIDEONODE Does it support Adaptive Bit Rate For Video?

Does the SkVideoNode using AVPlayer support HLS Adaptive Bitrate for Video? If so is there any way to limit or set the top and / or bottom rate?
2 votes
0 answers

using Android MediaCodec for Adaptive Streaming

I have used MediaCodec for playing avc video files. now I am trying to play video from a stream, I couldn't find any example or good documentations regarding using MediaCodec for adaptive streaming. I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Adaptive bit rate support in MPMoviePlayer

Does iOS MPMoviePlayer or AVPlayer supports "adaptive bit rate" in live streaming ?