Questions tagged [adm-zip]

A Javascript implementation of zip for Node.js. Allows user to create or extract zip files both in memory or to/from disk.

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Adm-zip Invalid or unsupported zip format. No END header found

I get this error 'Invalid or unsupported zip format. No END header found' when i try to unzip files in memory using adm-zip (buffer). I have confirmed that the file i am trying to unzip is a zip file ...
multy18's user avatar
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How to zip files PDF from a Storage in NodeJS

I need to create a zip file with any PDF what I recieved from Storage AWS, and I am trying do this with ADM-zip in NodeJS, but i cant read the final Here is the code. var zip = new ...
Gabriel Aulicino Fontes's user avatar
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nodejs :extract just one entry from a zip file

I m trying to find a performant way to extract just one entry from a zip file. The command line unzip is just working orders of magnitude faster. I tried adm-zip which has a method to pick out an ...
bigTimer314's user avatar
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How to generate zip and put files into zip using stream in Node js

Currently, I tried to make zip file(or any format of compressed file) containing few files that I want to put into zip file. I thought it would work with adm-zip module. but I found out that the way ...
ben kwon's user avatar
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Add files to zip and download cpu usage

I'm using express js as a backend. Each user can upload 3/5 files. and the admin can download the files from the dashboard as zip file. I'm using ADM-ZIP to zip the files and download the zip. const ...
Chinese_hacker_lm's user avatar
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Adm-Zip "ERROR TypeError: fss.existsSync is not a function" Angular/Typescript

I am writing an angular application. So i want to extract a zip file and I am using this import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import * as AdmZip from 'adm-zip'; @Component({ ...
Nityananda Gohain's user avatar
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Can adm-zip read whole folder content in a zip file?

I'm using adm-zip for reading files and extraction of zip folder. But I've another requirement to read whole folder present inside zip file and copy to another location. Is it possible? I saw there is ...
sach's user avatar
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Adm-zip doesn't save the zip archive

So, I receive a .xslx file, parse it and get the first column, turn the values into DataMatrix barcode images and then save it all in a .zip archive: const express = require('express') const ...
The Developer's user avatar
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Vue JS - Update data value while processing zip file

I think I am missing something with Vue JS reactivity here. My problem is that some data values are not updating while I am unzipping a file using File System and Adm-Zip. Here is some pseudo code ...
CUGreen's user avatar
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Why does AdmZip fail to zip throwing range error for a folder with size 525688 bytes?

Edit: I think this is due to my vm running out of space. Also curious, when adm-zip writes into a new zip doesn't it remove the files from the local directory(soruce) and write them into Zip folder (...
Novice's user avatar
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Extract uploaded file using adm zip

I am trying to get the list of files in a uploaded file using adm-zip. As we cant get the path of the uploaded file , iam trying to convert the zip into a Buffer and pass it to the adm-zip. But zip....
Nayeem's user avatar
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How to zip or unzip a local file or folder using Angular JS?

First, I am new to AngularJs. Now i am trying to zip a local file or local folder using angular JS. I have analyzed some methods as follows, JS Zip In this JS Zip there is no support to zip the ...
Prasanth .K's user avatar
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Make folder to zip folder in vercel nodejs server

Frontend - Reactjs API - nodejs I am using Vercel for hosting nodejs Problem I just want to make particular folder to zip folder in nodejs server, Its working fine in local but not working in Vercel ...
Hunter's user avatar
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Loading a buffer into an AdmZip object

i'm trying to load a buffer to AdmZip object, in TypeScript and it doesn' work. My buffer is a zip archive of 3 files, in this example. exctractZippedContentBufferToDirectory(buffer: Buffer, ...
Bastok's user avatar
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Read chunk with jszip

I couldn't find a way to read zip content as a chunk from HTTP response. I provide an example with JSZip library .(I'm open to other libraries if necessary ) const zip = new JSZip(); const ...
Bennyh961's user avatar
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Download File from URL and store that file in zip using node

**Solution 1:** const zipPath = path.resolve(tempDir, ''); const writeStream = => { fileNameArray.push(asset.fileName); return axios({ method: 'GET', ...
Tejaswini's user avatar
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How to see the files inside a zip without extracting the information in React Application(Javascript)?

I was trying to access a zip inside my react app without extracting the zip I need to know if a specific file is there inside a zip or not. I don't want to use any third-party application? Is it ...
Aastick's user avatar
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Unable to extract the zip file if it contains any warnings

I have a zip file, on unzipping, it extracts all the files successfully but also gives the following warning message: "There are some data after the end of the payload data". However, when I try to ...
Mike143's user avatar
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Using Node Module With React

I think, because I'm so new to Node, I'm not quite understanding how to use an NPM package with my React project running on Node. Just a quick explanation: I have a React component that uploads a ...
Cmaxster's user avatar
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Node.js - admzip cannot compress images properly

Since a while I'm stuck at the import function of my quiz generator application, because adm-zip cannot compress images properly. Here is the errors that are returned for each images being ...
Daniel Medina's user avatar
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Difference between SendToZip and C# CreateFromDirectory zipfile

I am using RestSharp to send a POST request, the POST request contains a zip file along with the following headers: request.AddParameter("username", this.username, ParameterType.GetOrPost); ...
Anton James's user avatar
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`adm-zip` compression issue

I am using adm-zip to create a zip file in NodeJS successfully. The issue comes when extracting manually (as end user will do) as there appears to be a compression issue on a video file. A suggested ...
DrogoNevets's user avatar
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Parse bytes of a zip file?

I am requesting a zip file from an API and I'm trying to retrieve it by bytes range (setting a Range header) and then parsing each of the parts individually. After reading some about gzip and zip ...
Alon Weissfeld's user avatar
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unable the zip folder with adm-zip NodeJs

I use the adm-zip(Module NodeJs ) to zip Floder, with Method addLocalFolder().The operation end successfully, but when i try to unzip folder i get the Error 2 ' file or directory not exist!'as ...
Khalid Ahmada's user avatar
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Retrieve, modify then serve a remote zip archive in Express Node.js

As you can guess from the title, I am trying to write a small thing just for the sake of learning. Here's my code in a Pastebin As you can see, I am trying to grab a zipped repo from github, ...
noahtkeller's user avatar