Questions tagged [analyzer]

For questions related to a person or device that analyses (or analyzes) given data

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Check if ast.Expr Implements Interface in Go

Is there any way we can check if any ast.Expr is implementing interface like fmt.Stringer? I found this function types.Implements() can be used here but, I am not sure how I can create types.Interface ...
chanchal1987's user avatar
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Failed to find analyzer Elasticsearch

I have this indice : { "movies": { "aliases": {}, "mappings": {}, "settings": { "index"...
webmaster Chp's user avatar
0 votes
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The value of the local variable '***' isn't used. Dart SWITCH statement

I'm new to Dart and I'm hoping someone can explain this variable scoping warning. When I use the following: enum fruits {tomatoes, apples, oranges} void main() { for (var item in fruits.values) {...
YEG's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to run vs 2019 code analyze by command and not by gui?

I'm using vs 2019 enterprise Is it possible to run vs 2019 code analyze by command and not by gui? if yes what command is it? thanks.
R.P's user avatar
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Getting System.Type from TypeSymbol in roslyn analyzer

I want to create a diagnostic analyzer to check if a class can be instantiated. I have my class declaration and I'm trying to use Activator.CreateInstance(parameter) but this needs System.Type as its ...
mseth's user avatar
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How to report out errors of Code Analysis in Visual Studio 2019 v16.9+

Following What Replaces Code Analysis in Visual Studio 2019?, I understand that Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers is deprecated. Previously, the Code Analysis generated an automated XML file with ...
Erelephant's user avatar
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How to create a custom Elasticsearch analyzer in liferay

In Elasticsearch I wanted to index some fields with my custom analyzer. So first, I added to additional configurations my analyzer Liferay -> control panel -> System Settings -> " Serach ...
Chirag Lakhamani's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get rid of multiple usages of bn.js in nextjs bundle?

Is there a way to unify dependencies in react/nextjs to avoid multiple usages of a specific library ( in this case bn.js ) in the final bundle? My application suffers from bundle size and when I use ...
Afsanefda's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to remove warning AD0001 in .Net Core project?

This is the warning message warning AD0001: Analyzer 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Analyzers.TopLevelParameterNameAnalyzer' threw an exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' with message 'Object ...
dstmb's user avatar
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0 answers

Elastic search query not working with synonym_analyzer

I have a query that looks like this: GET my-index/_search { "_source": [ "product.ref", "product.urls.*", "product.i18ns.*.title", "...
Áron Pop Adorján's user avatar
5 votes
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Elasticsearch wildcard, regexp, match_phrase, prefix query returning wrong results

I have just started using Elasticsearch, version 7.5.1. I want to query results which start with a particular word fragment. For example tho* should return data containing: thought, Thomson, those, ...
Aditya's user avatar
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2 answers

Elasticsearch searching for exact tags

Let's say I have the following documents doc1: "blue water" doc2: "extra blue water" doc3: "blue waters" I'm looking for a way to handle the following scenarios If a ...
Lior Magen's user avatar
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dart analysis_options.yaml behaviour

I have created a dart file with this code :- Code to see dart analyzer tools in practice. Now, I have created an analysis_options.yaml file to add linting but after this no info is shown :- Now, I ...
Priyanshu Gupta's user avatar
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Elastic Search search query not returning when I search for synonyms

So I am trying to implement synonyms (at search time) in Elastic Search, so far i've defined synonyms like this in Kibana: PUT /<my_index>/_settings { "settings": { "index&...
Áron Pop Adorján's user avatar
0 votes
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How to analyze loaded files correctly

I'm still struggling to get my project analyzed how I would like. Here's what I've tried so far: Analyze File: Analyzes the current file, but doesn't analyze any loaded files (loadfile, dofile). ...
Chef Niko's user avatar
1 vote
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backtrader how to use analyzer to access data?

I am very new to this. backtrader have a addwriter can write down some data, cerebro.addwriter(bt.WriterFile, csv=True, out='outputfiles3\{}cerebro.csv'.format(ticker)) but buy and sell price always ...
DMG's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to validate Projects property default namespace with Roslyn analyzer

I want to validate the the property which is visible in the project only and that's a default namespace value on compile action. I was able to find ability to validate project references but this does ...
btomas's user avatar
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3 votes
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analyzer require 'non-nullable' language feature to be enabled

I did a mistake by migrating to null-safety then every thing become error, after fixing a lot of errors, I still get an error and the error is : [INFO] Generating build script... [INFO] Generating ...
ahmed's user avatar
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How do I call a program from a GTK+ program, and analyze the program's output?

I am writing a GTK+ frontend program that shreds files. The program shred from GNU Coreutils is the backend. The programming language is C. So, I have a progress bar that show how much of the ...
ADBeveridge's user avatar
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Is there a way to specify an Azure Cognitive Search analyzer that doesn't break on hyphens but will break on other punctuation

The phrase "non-emergency" is semantically different than the two words in isolation "non" and "emergency". In particular, searching for "emergency" should not ...
Clem Wang's user avatar
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2 answers

How to solve Laravel URL in a loop problem?

I have a category URL like this : And this is my web.php : /* Categories Route */ Route::any('shop/{slug}', 'CategoryController@category')->name('category'); But ...
Pooriya Mostaan's user avatar
1 vote
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Codacy analyzer warning: In POSIX sh, [[ ]] is undefined

When I run codacy-analysis-cli analyze command for the next line of script: if [[ "$lexer_date" > "$lexer_ts_date" ]]; then generate_grammar fi I got the next warning: ...
Nizami's user avatar
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Elasticsearch German stemmer doesn't do plural

I'm working on a basic German analyzer in Elasticsearch which is defined as follows { "settings": { "analysis": { "filter": { "german_stemmer&...
Lior Magen's user avatar
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Visual Studio Check In Policy in combination with .NET analyzers

We worked before with FxCop Code Analyzers and TFS check in policies. I can find articles to migrate the code analysis to .Net Analyzer. I changed a project and the code analysis seems to be working ...
Picard's user avatar
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Can I add multiple analyzers.cs files and code fixers files in a single solution for writing a Roslyn analyzer in Visual Studio?

I am new to developing analyzers and code fixes using Roslyn Analyzer. I am using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition. I am creating an Analyzer with code fix in Visual Studio. Or do I need to create ...
Siddhi Kamat's user avatar
6 votes
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Adding reference assemblies to Roslyn analyzer code fix unit tests

I'm attempting to write a unit test to test a Roslyn analyzer code fix. Things have moved on since the introduction of analyzers and editing DiagnosticVerifier.Helper.cs is no longer the way ( https://...
Levon's user avatar
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Need MySQL Performance Analyzer API

Is there some API for java that scrapes me db performance metrics. e.g query execution time, db storage usage etc. I want to create a monitoring tool for MYSQL database.
Sedeeki's user avatar
1 vote
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Using python to convert wav file to csv file before feed the data into FFT for audio spectrum analyzer [closed]

I am working on a simple audio spectrum analyzer using FPGA. For the preprocessing part, my idea is to use python to convert wav file to csv file, and then feed the data to a fast fourier transform ...
Meiyi Zheng's user avatar
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Elasticsearch problem with pre-defined mapping and then index docs

I am trynig to index stackoverflow data. First of all I create an index with specified mapping and setting. @classmethod def create_index_with_set_map(cls, name, elasticsearch): "&...
Hamed Sanaei's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Reverse a decryption algorithm with a given .exe GUI

I am using a Keygen application (.exe). There are two input fields in it's GUI: p1 - at least 1 digit, 10 digits max - ^[0-9]{1,10}$ p2 - 12 chars max - uppercase letters/digits/underscores - ^[A-Z0-...
Dorad's user avatar
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Elasticsearch is returning all the records when query text is of alphanumeric pattern

I have an index in Elasticsearch with mapping as: /price_validity_idx { "mappings": { "properties": { "title":{ "type": "text" ...
Shivam Som's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Dart Analysis server has terminated

I develop in Flutter for 1 year and suddenly I faced this error after launching IntelliJ IDEA. The Dart analysis has stopped to work. And only way to analyze code is via dart analyze lib/ that is so ...
Jan Matějka's user avatar
0 votes
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Elastic, Term (or _ID) query with Hyphen in value

I am struggling to query for exact match. This field is identical in two fields in the document, within _id and within one field in the body. So I can search either of these fields. Is there any way ...
Allen H.'s user avatar
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sound analyzer using naudio for 48000 samples/sec sound. Can I use a cycle-sample-size of 1024?

I need to create a sound analyzer to isolate certain song frequencies. For now, I'm interested in bass (60-250Hz). I read the signal (IEEE float), for each block of 1024: do a FFT, and then extract ...
John T's user avatar
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Tool for monitoring I2C bus in Windows system

Are there any software applications that operate similar to USBLyzer or WireShark for monitoring I2C (HID) transactions on the system's I2C bus? If not, are there any known APIs for accessing this low-...
automagically's user avatar
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1 answer

Elasticsearch - treat symbols as regular strings AND make text case insensitive

I have an elastic query like this: return { url: API, data: { query: { bool: { must: [{ function_score: { query: ...
Allen H.'s user avatar
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1 answer

The different custom analyzers for index and search in Elasticsearch giving NULL results for user queries

In this code I am defining two different custom analyzers for both indexing time and search time, and in mapping field also i have specified the "analyzer" as well as "search_analyzer&...
Gazal Jain's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to show Analyzer errors/warnings during msbuild in VS Dev Cmd & using MSBuildWorkspace

I'll explain the situation with an example. Suppose I have created a Roslyn Analyzer which throws Error when Class name is TestClass. Analyzer code is as below: public override void Initialize(...
EnigmaticJohn's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

"CS8700: Multiple analyzer config files cannot be in the same directory" but only one StyleCop file

I'm trying to learn to use StyleCop on a personal project. It's not a very big one, and the solution structure is below: - MySolution (2 of 2 projects) - Solution Items - .editorconfig ...
Metomorphose's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Elasticsearch index and search time analyzer for field mapping doesn't work

I am new to elasticsearch and I would like to provide a "search as you type" functionality. The text to be searched is no longer than 50 characters per field. The search should find all documents that ...
aahrendt's user avatar
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flutter unnecessary statement on call to stream cancel

I have flutter code that creates a stream and cancels the stream during the dispose: @override void dispose() { if (_playerSubscription != null) { _playerSubscription.cancel; ...
Brett Sutton's user avatar
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How do I analyze the memory dump I created with Game Guardian?

I dump the memory of processes running on Android. I did it with GameGuardian. But how do I analyze this. It contains .bin files and a .txt file. Eclipse Memory Analyzer does not analyze this.
Semra ÖZKAYA's user avatar
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Elasticsearch multi-match fields doesn't include query string

I am doing a multi-match search using the following query object: { _source: [ 'baseline', 'cdrp', 'date', 'description', 'dev_status', 'element', ...
shAkur's user avatar
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How to find the types of method arguments upon method call?

Suppose we have the following base model: public class Base { ... } and have M1, ..., Mn models derived from this one. We have an interface with the following structure: public interface ...
amirkhaniansev's user avatar
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TheHive / Cortext - Adding observable in analyzer script

In TheHive /Cortex I parse an observable, concretely an .eml file. The parser extract all ips and domains in it and save them in variables. Now I want to save these extracted ips and domains in new ...
dfint's user avatar
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Is there a way to remove ALL special characters using Lucene filters?

Standard Analyzer removes special characters, but not all of them (eg: '-'). I want to index my string with only alphanumeric characters but referring to the original document. Example: 'doc-size ...
zaki41's user avatar
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How to customise Lucene whiteSpaceAnalyzer to index words without special characters?

I don't want special characters when I am indexing words of a string. I understand StandardAnalyzer removes the special characters but it also does not index stopwords and single characters and I want ...
zaki41's user avatar
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Custom stopword analyzer is not woring properly

I have created an index with a custom analyzer for stop words. I want that elastic-search to ignore these words at the time of searching. Then I added one document data in elasticsearch mapping. but ...
pandey's user avatar
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How to add custom stop words for lucene in azure search?

I know we can add custom stop words by adding custom analyzers. But I want to use lucene and only want to add stop words for that? How can I do that?
highbury zhu's user avatar
4 votes
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OutputType attribute warning in PowerShell with PSScriptAnalyzer

Bellow is a sample function which declares OutputType. I understand this is only for documentation purposes but the problem here is when I invoke PSScriptAnalyzer: invoke-scriptanalyzer . -...
metablaster's user avatar
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