Questions tagged [android]

Android is Google's mobile operating system, used for programming or developing digital devices (Smartphones, Tablets, Automobiles, TVs, Wear, Glass, IoT). For topics related to Android, use Android-specific tags such as android-intent, android-activity, android-adapter, etc. For questions other than development or programming but related to the Android framework, use this link:

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Android google plus login integration failed

I am new to Stack overflow and android development.In my app,adding google plus and facebook login integration.I have problem during google plus login.What i am trying is......... ...
f.i.s.h u's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Webview does not show up at all

Here are my codes and I cannot see any webview on my application. I tried to create a button and I could see that. When I ran my app, there is only a white blank space in place of webview. <?xml ...
John Spring's user avatar
1 vote
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Compare strings doesn't work when I use syntax code equals, equalsIgnoreCase and compareTo

Goal: Compare the strings Problem: It doesn't work when I use the syntax code equals, equalsIgnoreCase and compareTo. What is the part that am I missing? Info: *Im new in android Thank you! ...
HelloWorld1's user avatar
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How to change the languages of the next activities by a spinner in the main activity?

I am a beginner in using Android studio, And this is my first project. I am using a spinner with 5 languages in the main activity the language is changing in the first activity only but the next ...
Hind Elsayed's user avatar
1 vote
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Google Vision API CameraSourcePreview FPS

I am trying to develop android face recognition app. Starting from Google Vision API FaceTracker example - how can I get camera preview FPS value? I understand that I can set requested FPS on ...
sleexed's user avatar
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Able to send messages but not receive from Firebase

Phone authentication, logging in, fetching all users and sending messages seems fine. But I'm not able to receive those messages from the other user. Where have gone wrong? ChatActivity: public ...
user avatar
1 vote
6 answers

OSMDroid - Map does not display

I am trying to load open street maps on my app. My code is the following: import; import android.os.Bundle; import org.osmdroid.config.Configuration; import org.osmdroid....
Robin's user avatar
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Erratic behavior of boot receiver

I have a several devices (Minix X68-i) all running the same firmware and software versions. On some of them my boot receiver works fine, others it rarely works, and a few it's closer to 50-50 whether ...
Ask Bisgaard's user avatar
0 votes
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Setting top margin iText Android

I am using iTextg to split an image to span multiple pages, but I am not able to set Top Margin for each page. I tried setting margins in Document() constructor, I also tried setMargins()method before ...
SuperHaker's user avatar
0 votes
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Error while setting up Instant Apps

I'm trying to implement Android Instant Apps Support to my app and I've followed this tutorial: Everything was going perfect and I've successfully completed the ...
Arda Çebi's user avatar
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Calculating data of individual cells of EditText type and display result in TextView type in the corresponding cell

I'm developing a basic android app since I'm a beginner. I created a dynamic table with 4 columns as: Serial number, width, length and the area of width and length entered. But I'm not understanding ...
Kartik's user avatar
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-1 votes
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BitmapFactory.decodeResource succeeds but mbuffer is null

I am using BitmapFactory.decodeResource and everything is fine until I try it on a Kindle Fire. BitmapFactory.decodeResource does not return null, and GetWidth etc are all correct but mbuffer (private)...
carpman's user avatar
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Number Picker Resets to MinValue While Scrolling

I have this Number Picker to select number from -10 to 10. I use formatter to display from -10 to 10. I want this number picker to start from 0, This was already done, but when I scroll the number ...
otong's user avatar
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git rm -r --cached does not work

After running this command on build directories I want not to be checked anymore, and adding those directories to .gitignore, git status still gives me: WordPressEditor/build/ build/ emoticon/...
Mehdi Haghgoo's user avatar
11 votes
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Shared element transition - animate only the visible part of the shared view

I'm working in an app that is similar to Google Calendar... There are events and when a user click one, the event grows and transforms into the detail view. The shared views (the events) are inside a ...
Oscar Méndez's user avatar
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Using NFC tags to start BLE connection between Android smartphone and Raspberry Pi

Basically, I am working on an Android app that will need to establish BLE connection with a Raspberry Pi whenever the user tap an NFC tag on the phone. The purpose of the app is to play video on a TV ...
Xflkekw's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

menuBuilder.setOptionalIconsVisible can only be called from within the same library group

I am trying to show icons with overflow menu with below codes MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(,menu); if(menu instanceof MenuBuilder){ MenuBuilder ...
Priyanka's user avatar
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How to Change Radio Button Color in Spinner

When I use spinner with radio button, selecting color in radio button seems default. I want to change the default color of radio button set in spinner in Android. How can I do it? string file for ...
Funda Çiftci's user avatar
1 vote
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Android AWS DynamoDBMappingException: Null or empty value for key

I'm trying the AWS and got the error after calling identityManager.getCachedUserID(): DynamoDBMappingException: Null or empty value for key: public java.lang.String ***.NewsDO.getUserId(). I'm using ...
Zimeni's user avatar
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Null Pointer Exception when using PDF Viewer Lib

I encounter the following error when I using the AndroidPdfViewer library. and this is my encounter the error: FATAL EXCEPTION: main ...
Haj Ali's user avatar
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When download image to pictures directory it isn't being shown on gallery [Xamarin Forms]

I'm using the code below to download images: var webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.DownloadDataCompleted += (s, e) => { var bytes = e.Result; // get the downloaded data ...
Giorge Caique's user avatar
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Unable to draw notification numbers over a Button in v7 toolbar

I'm trying to put a TextView over a Button inside toolbar to show notification count. I have embedded the two into a FrameLayout, which SHOULD respect Z-order, but the TextView continues to be hidden, ...
marfin's user avatar
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How to use database in an Asynctask

I have this codes public ArrayList<StationData> getAllStations(String num1){ ArrayList<StationData> stationData = new ArrayList<>(); Cursor cursor = mydb.rawQuery(" ...
Mostafa Pirhayati's user avatar
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RxJava combineLatest source order

In my Android app, I have 2 editText and one textView. I use RxJava in my app. I want the text view to show the the combination of two editable text fields. I use Observable.combineLates as follow: ...
user1409534's user avatar
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Android app testing: Appium does not launch the MainActivity

I'm testing an android app with Appium, but I can't start the inspector because shortly after pressing start session, this error appears. I also add screenshots of the project where you can clearly ...
Manuel Espinosa's user avatar
-1 votes
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Parse JSON into a table

Taylan Selvi's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I pass data between recyclerview and many fragments

Hi I have a simple app that features a recyclerView with list items (each representing a "employee" object i use this tuto
joker_7's user avatar
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Exoplayer Analytics, Accurate way of getting analytics

Is there any accurate way of getting analytics from Exoplayer ? I want to get player analytics which can track total tracking time, exclude seeked track and all ?
Bincy Baby's user avatar
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Update already created Fragments in ViewPager based on event

I have an Activity (extends AppCompatActivity), ViewPager with adapter (extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter) with 8 fragments. The fragments get data from ViewModel where I use LiveData. By default ...
Angelina's user avatar
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How to save state of searchView when orientation is changed

I have a searchView in an activity. the search filter is working great and all but there is a problem that I don't know how to resolve. You see when I change orientations from portrait to landscape it ...
Deniro's user avatar
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Polyline doesn't draw a line on my clustered Google map markers

I have 3 points of which i want a polyline to be drawn but a polyline isn't visible. First and foremost , the 3 markers are available on the map , so i tried to join them with a polyline and it ...
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android facebook sdk setcaption not working

I am trying to share a photo with caption and link from my android app to facebook, my photo is uploaded to facebook but caption is not updating Here is my code Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory....
Suvasish Paul's user avatar
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Hide Virtual keyboard when using InputField

I know how to hide or display Virtual Keyboard using InputMethodManager. But I want to enter text in EditText using Physical keyboard but I don't want to display Virtual Keyboard in Unity 3D Android. ...
Chirag Savsani's user avatar
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EditText input type messes gravity in RTL mode

I'm currently working on a project which needs to support 2 languages (English and Farsi) and Farsi is a right to left language. I provided the application with 2 strings value resources which works ...
Hamed Heidari's user avatar
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Unable to merge dex - android studio

I am developing an app that stores data on an AWS DynamoDB table, But I keep getting the following error. Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformDexArchiveWithExternalLibsDexMergerForDebug'. &...
Noyem Khan's user avatar
5 votes
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Systrace Output Error

I ran systrace on my android studio project in order to find some performance bugs but after the end of the tracing process, i get the following error and if i open the trace.html output file in ...
Stelios Papamichail's user avatar
-2 votes
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Where can I find tags data like in Upwork and StackOverflow?

I want to use those in my application where a user can describe his skills but I can't find the tags. Any suggestions where can I get those?
SecQuestionnA's user avatar
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How can I retrieve values from Firebase database based on email entered by user in text field?

I am working on Firebase database. How can I retrieve values from database based on email entered by user in text field. Below is my database structure. Kindly help. Here is my code: Ref = database....
asifa mahmood's user avatar
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DragDrop feature : disallow movable object to move out of screen ( able to go out of screen)

I added dragDrop feature provided by android in my app, but that object is able to go out of screen and getting cut. Is there any way to prevent that from going out of screen. Please help me to fix ...
NehaK's user avatar
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ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI getting deleted contacts

** Edit** This is the URI in question: ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI Is there any way of knowing if a contact is marked for deletion from this URI? I already tried querying for the DELETED ...
dor's user avatar
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Why is "Unable to pre-dex - Error while signing the application" error happening on Android Studio?

This error is displayed when signing and publishing (Build / Generate Signed Apk...) the program on Android Studio. When I run the program without a signature, I have no problem and it runs correctly,...
Majid Ahmadi Jebeli's user avatar
1 vote
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Adding a MenuItem to custom ActionBar results in displacement of the items on the ActionBar

I've created a custom ActionBar with a simple TextView, the text is supposed to be aligned to the center. Then I added a MenuItem with onCreateOptionsMenu method. The result was that the each of the ...
Keselme's user avatar
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3 votes
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C file open() function is only setting user level permission in Android

I am using C open() function to create the file in android and set the access permission as required. I am observing that in Android, the open() is only able to set the user level access permission. ...
Bhupesh Pant's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Start Android 4.3 (API 18) when minSdk = 19

I have application with minSdkVersion 19 (Android 4.4). Also I have Android device with Android 4.3 (API 18). As result Android Studio not run application on this device. I know that if I decrement ...
user8542613's user avatar
-1 votes
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Bottom navigation using android support library and fragment

I have downloaded this code.After running the bottom tab is working fine,but when i am clicking on android back button that ...
ananya's user avatar
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2 separate onclick functions

I have been trying to make the second image animate, but it doesn't work. I created a class for the type of animation I will like to use and then called on the image onclick function to run the ...
Burburj's user avatar
-3 votes
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getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag() returns null?

@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_home_screen_bottombar); ...
dhir's user avatar
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Facebook deep linking always opens store in android & app store

I'm building an mobile app using React Native for both android and iOS and i had to implement Facebook Deep Linking, but it always opens App Store or Play Store based on the device only if al:web:...
Ahmed Ali's user avatar
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Google Map not working: Classnotfound Exception?

I have created the Google Map Marker Sample project using Google SDK , Android Studion. when it comes to the execution, the bin file seems cannot help me install correctly onto the device and make it ...
Siavash Sajjad's user avatar
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Xamarin with vs : resource.Id does not contain a definition for ...

using Android.App; using Android.Widget; using Android.OS; using Android.Media; namespace Moosic { [Activity(Label = "Moosic", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon1.png")] public ...
Brandon Farore Cachia's user avatar