Questions tagged [aot]

In Microsoft Dynamics AX, application objects are defined in the Application Object Tree (AOT) and are instantiated at runtime. The AOT also contains application resources, references, and documentation. This section describes the AOT and its contents, how to use the AOT to define application objects, and how to import and export definitions of application objects.

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How to enable spring AOT compiling to executable while the project using spring-boot AbstractRoutingDataSource?

Our project using two DataSource, So we're using AbstractRoutingDataSource + AOP to switch dataSource before application service method invoked. Service like: @Service public class AServiceImpl ...
npe's user avatar
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Does the AOT Setting Propagate to Dependent Class Libraries?

We are using AOT in our Blazor WebAssembly project, in the csproj of main project we enable it like this: <RunAOTCompilation Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release'"> true </...
ArturM's user avatar
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Reflection GetField() not working from GetType(), only typeof(T) [duplicate]

I'm running into some odd behavior with reflection. It seems like a bug. I've been using reflection in my c# project to access public fields in my various custom data types. I've been using mono to ...
iPaul's user avatar
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Project obfuscation along with Native AOT compilation

I'm developing a small project in C# with .net7 that ends up being compiled into C++ code using AOT compilation. When publishing a project, I would like to obfuscate the C# code and send the ...
qp qp's user avatar
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Can I use more than 2 cores for a Blazor Wasm AOT Publish Build in VS2022?

During my publish build, the CPU usage is 50%. The build takes about half an hour, so I wanted to test it with more cores. I tried dotnet publish --configuration Release --aot --runtime wasm --...
Flippowitsch's user avatar
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Resource not opening Excel file in ax 2012

In my Ax 2012 have created one aot resource of type xlsx: a.xlsx as in the image below: enter image description here When I try to open and export the a.xlsx resource I cannot open it. It is no saved ...
Evisa's user avatar
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.NET 6 MAUI Release Build Crash at launch on iOS: mono_aot and UINavigationItem Issues

I'm encountering a crash in my .NET 6 MAUI application running on iOS. This issue only appears in the release build; the debug build works without issues. The crash seems to occur randomly, and I've ...
danlon's user avatar
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How to trim dependencies in a .NET MAUI Android app?

I have an .NET MAUI Android app in .Net 7 which uses PdfSharpCore and MigraDocCore to generate reports as PDF files. Everything works fine when I build and deploy the app on Debug configuration. ...
MaxKolac's user avatar
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Spring AOT Graalvm Native image with Spring Data Ldap Repository

I'm trying to convert my springBoot API from JIT compilation to AOT compilation with GraalVM. To do this, I'm building a docker image with buildtools : gradle plugin : id("org.graalvm....
Ugo Evola's user avatar
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Xml Deserialize with Native AOT

I want to deserialize xml document to c# object. Xml document example <XtraSerializer version="1.0" application="LayoutControl"> <property name="#LayoutVersion"...
Adham Lachinov's user avatar
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Trying to use Dapper.Aot inside a new .net 8 preview web api aot project and i am getting no definition for query off the sql connection object

I have installed dapper.aot to the project here are my using statements using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient; using Dapper; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; //I am simply trying var con = ...
Jason Durnil's user avatar
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D365 FinOps View Range Error : "Query extended range failure: Expected identifier near pos"

Getting this error when browsing the view using SysTableBrowser Seems to be coming from the range I've added in the View: ((PersonUser.VALIDFROM <= && (PersonUser....
147's user avatar
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AOT Compilation Error with System.Data.SQLite.EF6.dll in .NET Maui Blazor Hybrid App

I am developing a .NET Maui Blzor app that uses SQLite, and I've run into an issue during the build process in release mode. The specific error message is related to AOT (Ahead of Time) compilation. ...
Baz's user avatar
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If you compiled C/Go/Rust or any other compiled language is that not just AOT compilation and if not what is the difference?

If you compiled any language that is natively compilable is that not considered AOT compilation. As you are literally compiling it ahead of time from when you want to run it, so I am confused as to ...
Name for anonymity's user avatar
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Testing .NET 7 AOT Lambda Function Locally with Visual Studio

I'm working on a project that involves developing a .NET 7 application that includes an Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiled Lambda function. I'm using Visual Studio as my development environment. I would ...
AMAL's user avatar
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C# .net core native AOT with reflection Activator.CreateInstance

I am trying to use reflection's Activator.CreateInstance method to generate the required module with parameters like below. public TModule CreateModule<TModule>(params object[]? parameters) ...
Roveldo's user avatar
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version `GLIBC_2.29' not found on Lambda invocation using AOT and .Net7

I had a .Net6 Lambda working in AWS. Recently I changed it to adopt AOT using .Net7. After deploying to AWS I get below error on Lambda invocation: /var/task/bootstrap: /lib64/ version `...
Amir Chatrbahr's user avatar
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Runtime Hints for Spring Boot 3 AOT with jOOQ 3.18+

Starting a native Spring Boot image with an application that uses jOOQ 3.18+ results in Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at org.jooq.impl.DefaultBinding.binding(DefaultBinding....
Jan Švejda's user avatar
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After .NET 7 using aot release , windoss COM can't use correctly

After .net 7 is released using AOT, the shortcut created by WshShell cannot be used normally can you give me some advice?
zhong biran's user avatar
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Can a static library be linked to a .NET AOT compiled executable?

As seen e.g. here[1], we can export a function from .NET to be statically linked to another executable later. using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public static class NativeExports { ...
sneusse's user avatar
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.NET Core JIT - can it change native code in runtime?

I just saw this bizarre statement on reddit in theory, JIT will probably have better steady state performance for long running processes, because of things like dynamic profile guided optimization - ...
Boppity Bop's user avatar
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dotnet v7 native aot publish gives error message "clang error linker command failed with exit code 1" cannot find -lstdc++

I want to compile my c#/f# project with new native aot (which comes with dotnet v7) on my linux machine. My csproj/fsproj file has these lines: <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>net7.0<...
buraky's user avatar
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Is it possible to use SOS with a .NET7 AOT application?

When building a .NET Core AOT application the necessary CLR functionality is, if I understand it correctly, statically linked into the executable. That means that at run time, coreclr.dll is not ...
Brian Rasmussen's user avatar
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Angular dead code of conditional provider in production bundle

I need to replace a service with a mock service depending on an environment variable. To do this, I used the ?-operator in the provider area within my module like this: @NgModule({ imports: [ ......
F. Scholz's user avatar
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.NET Maui - Precompiling failed. The specified response can not be read

The problem is that ahead of time compilator is giving me a lot of errors I've created a new, out of the box, .net MAUI-project. I did just want to view the results of a release for Android bud I ...
Antfolkarn's user avatar
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Dotnet ahead-of-time: PublishReadyToRun vs PublishAot vs RunAOTCompilation

The recent dotnet version (dotnet 6 & 7) has an ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation feature. According to the official documentation, there are different approaches to achieving this. Native AOT ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Error:JIT compilation failed for injectable class PlatformLocation {} while doing AngularJS to Angular 13 migration

Doing migration for application form angularjs to angular v13 right now i'm trying to dual boot the application. and getting the following error in browser console: Uncaught Error: The injectable '...
mandav's user avatar
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How to compile the dynamic modules using AOT Compiler in Angular 8

I am using Angular 8 with AOT compiler. I need to compile the modules dynamically when I click the button. In that module file, the component is declared. Testingmodule.ts import { NgModule } from '@...
Vijayalashmy's user avatar
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What is the difference between Pre-JIT & AOT compiler (C#)?

I have gone through some articles on internet which tells the difference between JIT & AOT compilers but did not found any article telling difference between Pre-JIT & AOT compiler (C#). Can ...
Nikhil Gaikwad's user avatar
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Error after JIT/AOT compilation of Angular in Chrome console compiled JavaScript code ( it compiled successfully)

I know some people will think my question is repeated but I have searched and tried all the solutions given in other Stack Overflow posts. And also I have not found a similar question where the error ...
Sayed Mohd Ali's user avatar
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AX 2009 - Increasing the length of the Payment Journal Line 'Transaction Text' field

I am looking to bring in some data from a text file that is generally 120 characters long, and place it in the Payment Journal Line - Transaction Text . Can I simply increase the String size of the ...
HurricaneCoffee's user avatar
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toggle allow edit on form

I unfortunatelly clicked on the checkbox to modify content at user setting of the Invent Journal Transfer form. Now the form is not active and due to that I can not open user setting to take steps ...
vladimir's user avatar
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Numba AOT compile functions with functional arguments

I am trying to AOT compile in Numba a function which has a functional argument, but I cannot find a way to correctly specify its signature. Using a very basic example, with the standard numba @njit ...
7vn_'s user avatar
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Numba AOT compilation not working with numpy functions

I am trying to compile some code using numba AOT, but I seem to always encounter the same problem every time numpy is involved. Here are 2 examples of that: @cc.export('sum', 'i4(f8, f8)') def sum(x, ...
Tanjay's user avatar
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Metadata collected contains an error that will be reported at runtime: Reference to a non-exported function

When I am building the angular UI library using ng-packagr I am having the below regex defined in the file > /^(?:[A-Za-z][\w-]*|\d+(?:\.\d+)*)=(?:#(?:[\dA-Fa-f]{2})+|(?:[^,=\+ <>#;\\"]|...
Prashant Biradar's user avatar
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Blazor AOT dotnet.wasm is too big

We have a Blazor application, which we compile with AOT. The output dotnet.wasm is approximately 300 MB. And when we run the app, it uses 3GB of RAM in the Browser. And as a result, the app works slow,...
lilo.jacob's user avatar
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AOT compilation in Angular 12

Angular documentation states: *Ahead-of-Time (AOT), which compiles your application and libraries at build time. This is the default since Angular 9.* So if I want to compile for production my ...
Matt's user avatar
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error MT3001: Could not AOT the assembly when running Xamarin iOS project

I have a Xamarin .iOS project, that is using GDAL(libgdal.a) and PROJ(libproj.a) files. I m trying to executing the iOS project and getting following build error: Target(s) <ProjectPath>/Lib/...
Devendran Shylajan's user avatar
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Error: The pipe 'async' could not be found! after AOT & IVY update

The project that I am working on just recently for upgraded to AOT compliance and since that happened, I am having issues with | async pipe when used in HTML. For example my HTML code looks like ...
Lost's user avatar
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Blazor AOT fails with "The command "emcc --version" exited with code -1073741515"

I'm trying to run the publishing of the Blazor application. I have installed DotNet6 Preview6, AOT workload. When I run publishing, I get the next error message: C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\...
lilo.jacob's user avatar
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How to initialize class static property in angular 11?

I write an angular library and use a static property in a class like below: export class Ticket implements ITicket { constructor(public id?: number, public title?: string) {} // Here got error public ...
Mostafa Farhani's user avatar
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TypeError: o.Subject is not a constructor - Angular 11

I have upgraded my Angular version from 5.2 to 11.2 After BUILD I am getting error: TypeError: o.Subject is not a constructor 3. In development mode I am not getting any error, if I set "aot&...
Apurv Chaudhary's user avatar
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"Attempting to JIT compile method while running in aot-only mode" Exception throwing after updating of protobuf-net

After updating to protobuf-net 3.0.101 from 2* version next exception start to throw on IOS xamarin project: Exception while deserializing protobuf message|System.ExecutionEngineException: Attempting ...
Ilia's user avatar
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window.location.origin is null in Angular module

I have an app, and a library, two separate repos. My app consumes my library, and my library contains a service which performs a http request. My app deploys to several environments and I use Angular'...
ldusoswa's user avatar
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Can you compile complicated WinForms apps on the .NET Core 3.0 with AOT / CoreRT?

I'm attempting to make a Windows forms application and compile it with CoreRT. When the app is simple, compilation works correctly; everything is compiled and the managed code is converted into ...
DinDan06's user avatar
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Enabling Ahead of time compilation for Xamarin project

I have a xamarin application which is very slow, I need to improve this performance, with a little research I came across this concept of Ahead of time compilation. But I am not sure how to enable it ...
Muhammad Faizan's user avatar
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If Typescript requires compilation before the app is run, what does setting "aot" = false in Angular mean?

In our angular.json (Angular 9 app) config, we have "build": { "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser", "options": { "...
satish's user avatar
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What are the stages of compilation and runtime of a Java AOT program?

Recently I was interested in Java AOT and tried to compile some simple programs with it. As I see it works like this: JDK calls Graal compiler, which emits .so file In runtime .so file is supplied ...
1 vote
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angular prod build giving error for ng2-daterangepicker plugin

I am having problem with ng2-daterangepicker while making prod build. ERROR NullInjectorError: StaticInjectorError(AppModule)[DaterangepickerComponent -> DaterangepickerConfig]: StaticInjectorError(...
Sam's user avatar
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Angular build with --aot fails with 'ɵbl' (imported as 'i1') was not found

My Angular 8 application works just fine with ng serve. However, with ng build --prod --aot=true, I get the following error during compilation : "export 'ɵbl' (imported as 'i1') was not found in '...
ojathelonius's user avatar

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